Weird West


Kennst du jemanden, dem dieses Spiel gefallen könnte?


Entdecken Sie eine düstere Fantasy-Neuinterpretation des Wilden Westens, in der Gesetzeshüter und Revolverhelden die Grenze mit fantastischen Kreaturen teilen. Reise durch die Entstehungsgeschichten einer Gruppe ungewöhnlicher Helden, die durch die Entscheidungen, die du in einem unbarmherzigen Land triffst, zur Legende werden. Jede Reise ist einzigartig und auf die getroffenen Handlungen zugeschnitten - eine Reihe von Geschichten mit hohem Einsatz, bei denen alles zählt und die Welt auf die von Ihnen getroffenen Entscheidungen reagiert. Bilden Sie eine Truppe oder wagen Sie sich allein in die unheimlichen Weiten des Wilden Westens und machen Sie jede Legende zu Ihrer eigenen.

Weird West Schritte zur Aktivierung

Weird West Rezensionen und Bewertungen

Review by Lov3Glov3 [user]
29. Juli 2022

I'm sorry, but while this is a fascinating game, that doesn't make it good. The controls make it way too difficult to aim, the enemies areI'm sorry, but while this is a fascinating game, that doesn't make it good. The controls make it way too difficult to aim, the enemies are actually really difficult to spot, making stealth nearly impossible, and the autosave doesn't even work sometimes. Make sure you save plenty because if you die, which you certainly will, you can be brought back really far in the game. If you're looking for a different experience, you'll get it... you just won't get the good game that comes with it

Review by GoDlikeRU [user]
21. Juli 2022

Warning: it takes some time to make plot interesting but it's worth it! - Really good and interesting plot.- Good stealth mechanics- A lotWarning: it takes some time to make plot interesting but it's worth it! - Really good and interesting plot.- Good stealth mechanics- A lot of variety in ways to accomplish goals- Huge Immersive worldOne of the best games I played this year. I can definitely recommend.

Review by Caddellzor [user]
26. Juni 2022

Buggy - game breaking bug that wouldve put me 4 hours back in progress made me quit.Gameplay is pretty shallow but not terrible...not muchBuggy - game breaking bug that wouldve put me 4 hours back in progress made me quit.Gameplay is pretty shallow but not terrible...not much roleplay decisions are bland/one dimensional...barely any emergent gameplay & puzzles are shallow too. The artstyle & story are the best parts by FAR & everything else is just shallow & repetitive

Review by Funny7Cloud [user]
11. Juni 2022


Review by kaenek [user]
6. Juni 2022

This is the freshest thing I played this year. I normally hate twin stick shooting, but here I treat it as a part of the experience. Also, theThis is the freshest thing I played this year. I normally hate twin stick shooting, but here I treat it as a part of the experience. Also, the game has something that games don’t have today: story and dialogues written by a writer or someone who knows what they’re doing.Try it. It’s not expensive and worth every penny.

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Veröffentlichungsdatum 31. März 2022
Herausgeber Devolver Digital, WolfEye Studios
Inhalt bewertet M (Mature)
Spiel-Modi Einzelspieler
Spieler-Perspektiven Vogelperspektive / Isometrisch
Genres Abenteuer, Rollenspiele (RPG), Indie, Simulator
Themen Aktion, Fantasie
Plattformen PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S