Forgotton Anne

Kennst du jemanden, dem dieses Spiel gefallen könnte?


Forgotton Anne ist ein 2D-Cinematic-Adventure, das Puzzle-Platforming mit Adventure-Elementen kombiniert. Du spielst die Rolle von Anne, der Vollstreckerin, die im Reich der Vergessenen für Ordnung sorgt. Sie macht sich auf den Weg, um eine Rebellion zu unterdrücken, die ihren Meister Bonku und sie selbst daran hindern könnte, in die Menschenwelt zurückzukehren.

Die Welt der vergessenen Anne: Stellen Sie sich einen Ort vor, an dem alles, was verloren und vergessen ist, verschwindet: altes Spielzeug, Briefe, einzelne Socken. Das Reich der Vergessenen ist eine magische Welt, die von Vergesslichen bewohnt wird, Kreaturen, die aus verlorenen Gegenständen bestehen und sich danach sehnen, wieder in Erinnerung gerufen zu werden.

Die Geschichte

"Du spielst die Rolle von Anne, der Vollstreckerin, die im Vergessenen Reich für Ordnung sorgt. Sie macht sich auf den Weg, um eine Rebellion zu unterdrücken, die ihren Meister Bonku und sie selbst daran hindern könnte, in die Menschenwelt zurückzukehren... "

Forgotton Anne Schritte zur Aktivierung

Forgotton Anne Rezensionen und Bewertungen

Review by mirpend [user]
18. November 2021

I really love this game! the art is great! The story is great! characters are great! The puzzles are good! The only ''not good'' thing is someI really love this game! the art is great! The story is great! characters are great! The puzzles are good! The only ''not good'' thing is some parts of gameplay, specially jump mechanism! overall this game is an indie must-play! Just buy it and enjoy playing it!

Review by bancandrei [user]
1. Juni 2020

Why did you have to put platforming in a point and click game? Anyway the story is nothing special and the visuals simply made me appreciateWhy did you have to put platforming in a point and click game? Anyway the story is nothing special and the visuals simply made me appreciate Studio Ghibli a whole lot more.

Review by Mandulum [user]
14. Mai 2019

Favorite Thing: A platformer with a heavy narrative.Least Favorite Thing: There was nothing egregious so I'm going to say the crawlingFavorite Thing: A platformer with a heavy narrative.Least Favorite Thing: There was nothing egregious so I'm going to say the crawling animation. It was bad.Date Completed: 2019-04-27Playtime: ~ 6hEnjoyment: 8/10

Review by Dubeau [user]
12. Januar 2019

FA is a good story driven game. The story stands out with emotions. Not that it will surprise you in a big way but it is very well written.FA is a good story driven game. The story stands out with emotions. Not that it will surprise you in a big way but it is very well written. This game is better with gamepad. The puzzle are unequal and not that many. Most are easy and a couple of them don't make sens, especially that train in the beginning. The music is great. The voices are well done. The graphics are good but it's not the best anime drawing. There is a delay between the animation and the platforming which makes jumping a frustrating business at times. I give it a 78%. A very nice story.

Review by Pablo-X [user]
2. Oktober 2018

I like platformers, logic puzzles, good story and anime. Which this game has it all. And really, although the drawing may be not so great inI like platformers, logic puzzles, good story and anime. Which this game has it all. And really, although the drawing may be not so great in cutscenes overall the graphics are goregous. Playing Forgotton Anne is sometimes like you're watching some nice anime 2D with a 3D feel all the time. Backgrounds and characters are a delight to watch.Voice acting is OK with Fig standing out (in a good way).The story got me hooked at first but...The dialogues got me hooked at first but... it was all until around 1/2 - 3/4 of the game. At this point everything was rather clear to me (storywise). The "last choice" was the thing I was waiting for finishing the game. I just got bored, but maybe it's just me ;)Music was nice for my girl to listen to doing other things (that is not playing this game with me) and she wants the soundtrack now :) . For me it was fitting the atmosphere well.Last thing - puzzles. It is like there are almost no puzzles. Only time I got "stuck" on a puzzle more than 10 minutes was when I haven't saw one peg that I could move.This game gives you moral choices which are nicely put into the story and are not so much "in your face". Some choices are vital while other doesn't matter and that's good. Of course "the last choice" is in your face all the way :P .What else can i write? I was hooked until 1/2 of this game, then it came out there are no real puzzles, until 3/4 of the game I got a little bored and last evening I was playing it just to finish it.Overall - game is made around creating a good anime story with moral choices. Puzzles are there to make you busy but not to make it harder.Platforming is also good but it's not the central point of this game - it's rather basic platforming.Oh, and my scale of evaluation (7/10) means that this is a good game. I recommend it.

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Veröffentlichungsdatum 15. Mai 2018
Herausgeber ThroughLine Games, Square Enix Collective, Square Enix Europe
Inhalt bewertet E10+ (Everyone 10+)
Spiel-Modi Einzelspieler
Spieler-Perspektiven Seitenansicht
Genres Abenteuer, Rollenspiele (RPG), Indie, Plattform, Puzzle
Themen Aktion, Fantasie
Plattformen PC (Microsoft Windows), Mac, Android, iOS, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch