Torchlight III

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Im gleichen geliebten Universum wie Torchlight I und II angesiedelt, bringt dieses Shared-World-Action-RPG viele der charakteristischen Features und Mechaniken der Franchise zurück, die die Herzen der ARPG-Fans auf der ganzen Welt erobert haben. Unter der Leitung des ehemaligen Mitbegründers von Runic Games und Blizzard North, Max Schaefer, besteht das Team, das Torchlight Frontiers entwickelt, aus erfahrenen Entwicklern, die für die Spiele verantwortlich waren, die das ARPG-Genre definiert haben, einschließlich der ursprünglichen Diablo- und Torchlight-Reihen.

Torchlight Frontiers kombiniert das Herzstück der geliebten Torchlight-Serie mit einer gemeinsamen, persistenten und dynamisch generierten Welt. In echter Torchlight-Manier werden sich die Spieler mit Freunden und treuen Begleitern zusammentun, um sich ihren Weg durch eine lebendige Welt zu bahnen, uralte Ruinen verlorener Zivilisationen zu entdecken und Dungeons voller Reichtümer und gefährlicher Kreaturen zu bezwingen.

Torchlight III Schritte zur Aktivierung

Torchlight III Rezensionen und Bewertungen

Review by Awanka [user]
January 28, 2022

It looks like Torchlight, and it plays like Torchlight, but it's not Torchlight.Game balance is awful, and even on the highest difficultyIt looks like Torchlight, and it plays like Torchlight, but it's not Torchlight.Game balance is awful, and even on the highest difficulty there is little to challenge the player, mostly in the form of tedious damage sponges. Quests, zones, and enemy encounters are cookie-cutter and perfunctory, lacking inspiration or creativity, and all blend together. The bosses pretty much all fight the same except for the last boss, The game got easier and easier as I progressed, and there was 0 challenge by the 2nd act, and I was completely bored by the third act.The game is also quite buggy. My pet kept disappearing. The button to exit out of the current game doesn't even work. My character kept getting pushed out of bounds where I couldn't move.There's a passable ARPG game here somewhere if someone actually cared enough to make the pieces work together. Torchlight 3 in its current state possesses the bare minimum to be called a game that vaguely resembles Torchlight. It's broken and boring. The olny reason I'm not rating it lower is because I did have mild fun during the first act.

Review by Kwar [user]
October 29, 2021

So I just finished the game and here's my review. First thing after I finish the game I really had no desire to continue with the extrasSo I just finished the game and here's my review. First thing after I finish the game I really had no desire to continue with the extras better afterwards. Which is not a good sign. See how this game was released a year ago I'm quite distraught by how they didn't fix the bugs in the game. It just feels like they didn't care about improving the quality. One thing that happened all the time was my pet would disappear. I would have to go back to my fort and swap out the current pet to a different pet and then re swap the other pet back in in order for it to show up. This happening over and over again was so annoying. And it looks like a bug that could have been fixed especially since the game was released a year ago. By the end it just became so boring too. There was nothing new about the game. I did like the Spells but I just was invested in it. Why couldn't you fix the bugs? And by the end of the game I just wanted it to be over. And now I'm glad it is. I like to grind but in the end of this just felt like a complete waste of time.

Review by vegetto81248 [user]
July 30, 2021

Falta el español también este es juego resiente pero lo debería tener español desde el inicio Espero que lo traducen en el futuro pc

Review by MaxKolonko [user]
December 31, 2020

Sadly, in my eyes TL trilogy kind a mimiced Diablo's fates. First - groundbreaking and genre defining. 2nd - more of the same but 1000 timesSadly, in my eyes TL trilogy kind a mimiced Diablo's fates. First - groundbreaking and genre defining. 2nd - more of the same but 1000 times better, bigger and more polished. And 3rd... kind a meh.But don't get me wrong - TL3 is fine - if you are new to the trilogy. And only there and then.

Review by DarkZero
December 21, 2020

Torchlight III is not a bad game, it’s just a filler, a quick fast food lunch for action RPG fans, one to play once the better games in the genre have been beaten. I feel this game is not one for replayability – once the story is done and the end game content becomes monotonous it is time to move on to something else. This might suit people who do not want to be invested in grinding for hours upon end and simply want to slaughter plenty of familiar enemies for a few hours, but for the hardcore, this will be a disappointment.

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Veröffentlichungsdatum 13. Juni 2020
Herausgeber Perfect World Entertainment, Echtra Games, Beijing Perfect World
Inhalt bewertet T (Teen)
Spiel-Modi Einzelspieler, Multiplayer, Kooperativ, Massiv-Multiplayer-Online (MMO)
Spieler-Perspektiven Vogelperspektive / Isometrisch
Genres Abenteuer, Rollenspiele (RPG), Indie
Themen Aktion, Fantasie
Plattformen PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch