
Kennst du jemanden, dem dieses Spiel gefallen könnte?


Foregone ist ein schneller und flüssiger 2D-Action-Platformer voller legendärer Beute und atemberaubender Pixelkunst. Sammle ein Arsenal an mächtigen Waffen und entwirre eine fesselnde Geschichte voller Bedauern und Verschwörung, während du dich durch Horden von Feinden schlägst, um Calagan zu retten. Erhältlich für Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One und PC.


Jahre nach einem verheerenden Krieg wird die Stadt Calagan erneut von einer alles verderbenden Macht, bekannt als die Harrow, belagert. Als stärkster Supersoldat der Stadt liegt es an dir, die Ursprünge der Harrow zu erforschen und ihre wiederbelebten Schergen daran zu hindern, deine Heimat zu zerstören. Aber der Harrow erweckt nicht nur Tote wieder zum Leben - er weckt auch Erinnerungen, die besser in Vergessenheit geraten wären.

Foregone Schritte zur Aktivierung

Foregone Rezensionen und Bewertungen

Review by kaczan3 [user]
5. Juni 2022

A painfully mediocre game with an ugly-faced Mary-Sue protagonist whos best at everything, always wants to do the right thing, and everyoneA painfully mediocre game with an ugly-faced Mary-Sue protagonist whos best at everything, always wants to do the right thing, and everyone likes her, even the enemies who beg her to kill them.

Review by CD-Action
15. November 2021

Foregone lured me with its beautiful art style just to disappoint me with repetitive levels, shallow story, uninteresting combat and total lack of originality.

Review by MicahRaleigh [user]
11. November 2021

Sexist, woke game. Queens are better than kings. Graphics are solid. Gameplay feels clunky: the main character can't move while meleeing orSexist, woke game. Queens are better than kings. Graphics are solid. Gameplay feels clunky: the main character can't move while meleeing or shooting (unless airborne). The missions are waay too hard.

Review by ylnylmn [user]
10. Juli 2021

The game was so boring I could only play half of it. I usually try to finish these types of games but I'm really bored. The only good thingThe game was so boring I could only play half of it. I usually try to finish these types of games but I'm really bored. The only good thing about the game is its music and graphics. Items are very limited. Upgrade system is not good. You can only change the properties of the item you use in side quests. Bosses are very easy. Level design is bad. Trouble finding secrets. The graphics are complex, most of the time you can't see the platforms. When you die, you can lose all your money with heavy penalties if you don't get it back. The story of the game is not interesting. A game that used dead cells and souls-like metroidvania features but failed.

Review by RPG Fan
14. Juni 2021

With stunning pixel-art graphics, solid combat, and a considerable amount of character customization, you can easily sink a few hours into Foregone, maybe more if you delve into more challenging difficulty levels. However, if you’re looking for a complex Metroidvania full of backtracking and deep lore, I would look elsewhere. Foregone may have left me feeling a bit cold, but if you’re looking for some straightforward side-scrolling action, I suspect it will nicely scratch that itch!

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Veröffentlichungsdatum 12. Oktober 2020
Herausgeber Big Blue Bubble
Inhalt bewertet T (Teen)
Spiel-Modi Einzelspieler
Spieler-Perspektiven Seitenansicht
Genres Abenteuer, Indie, Plattform
Themen Aktion
Plattformen PC (Microsoft Windows), iOS, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch