Zombie Driver


Zombie Driver HD

Kennst du jemanden, dem dieses Spiel gefallen könnte?


Kämpfen Sie sich durch die Straßen einer von Zombies verseuchten Stadt, um die Überlebenden eines katastrophalen Chemieunfalls zu retten, der den Großteil der Stadtbevölkerung in hirnlose, hirnhungrige Monster verwandelt hat. Die Zeit ist dein Feind und dein Auto ist deine Waffe, während du durch die Straßen rast und alles auf deinem Weg zerstörst, darunter Zäune, Telefonzellen, Straßenlaternen und Horden von Zombies. Wenn Ihnen die grausam mutierten Zombies zu viel werden, kaufen Sie ein neues Auto oder lassen Sie weitere Waffen und Upgrades installieren. Du kannst mehr Geld verdienen, wenn du Nebenaufgaben erledigst, Kill-Combos machst und nach versteckten Preisen suchst. Der Spieler kann sich frei durch die dunklen Straßen, Gassen und Hinterhöfe bewegen und nach den besten Abkürzungen oder versteckten Power-Ups suchen.

Zombie Driver Schritte zur Aktivierung

Zombie Driver Rezensionen und Bewertungen

Review by mckw [user]
14. Juli 2013

Could not play this game pass the hour mark as it is a complete waste of time. Terrible mechanics and boring gameplay. Avoid at ALL cost. FreeCould not play this game pass the hour mark as it is a complete waste of time. Terrible mechanics and boring gameplay. Avoid at ALL cost. Free or paid, your time is just wasted by this terrible game

Review by Grimace [user]
22. Februar 2011

This game is simple is awesome! I have several friends who play and leader board competitions between friends keeps me coming back to defendThis game is simple is awesome! I have several friends who play and leader board competitions between friends keeps me coming back to defend my scores. The graphics are well done and the physics are excellent. Playing with a controller makes the game more enjoyable as well. Hoping for Zombie Driver 2 with multiplayer.

Review by KyleC [user]
24. Januar 2010

My complaints are basically the same as everyone else: The camera will go crazy on you. There is no free roam mode. It's fairly short My complaints are basically the same as everyone else: The camera will go crazy on you. There is no free roam mode. It's fairly short and lacks a decent amount of content. I would have liked to see more weapons, vehicles, and maps. But I bought this game on sale through Steam over the X-Mas holiday (think I paid $5 for it?) and I don't expect a whole lot for such a cheap price, I'd say I've got my money's worth out of it. The controls are simple. The driving is easy enough. And who doesn't love killing zombies? Good game for a cheap price.

Review by Andrewk [user]
2. Januar 2010

I liked it a lot. It's cheap, looks great, and it's really fun. Yea, it's short, the camera's a little wonky, and the I liked it a lot. It's cheap, looks great, and it's really fun. Yea, it's short, the camera's a little wonky, and the only thing there really is to do is drive around killing zombies in a bunch of different vehicles with cool weapons attached. But if that sounds fun to you, then you won't be disappointed.

Review by AlexanderB [user]
23. Dezember 2009

Very good game with its only flaw being that it is a bit repetive. However that is not such as a bad thing seeing how fun it is. It is great Very good game with its only flaw being that it is a bit repetive. However that is not such as a bad thing seeing how fun it is. It is great in short busts and thats how I think you should play it. Overall for $10 it is definatley worth buying.

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Veröffentlichungsdatum 4. Dezember 2009
Herausgeber Akella, Steam, Exor Studios, ValuSoft
Inhalt bewertet M (Mature)
Spiel-Modi Einzelspieler
Spieler-Perspektiven Vogelperspektive / Isometrisch
Genres Schütze, Spielhalle, Rennsport
Themen Aktion, Horror, Krimi
Plattformen PC (Microsoft Windows), Nintendo Switch