Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem


Kennst du jemanden, dem dieses Spiel gefallen könnte?


Ein isometrisches Open-World-Action-RPG. Verwandle dich in einen hochgradig angepassten Charakter! Vernichte deine Feinde, sammle Beute, baue dein Haus und deinen Kerker und fordere andere Spieler heraus!

Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem verbindet das beliebte Hack-and-Slash-Gameplay mit modernster Grafik und untermauert das Ganze mit einer wirklich modernen KI. Inspiriert von dem Klassiker Diablo 2, zielt Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem ein intensives und abwechslungsreiches Action-RPG-Spiel. Die Personalisierung deines Charakters ist frei, tiefgreifend und in hohem Maße anpassbar, und viele Geheimnisse sind in der Welt versteckt.

Ein isometrisches Open-World-Action-RPG in einer korrumpierten, zerfallenden Welt. Du bist ein ehemaliger Offizier der Armee der menschlichen Republik, der aufgrund der magischen Kräfte, die du unfreiwillig entwickelt hast, gezwungen ist, vor der Todesstrafe zu fliehen. Von den Menschen verfolgt und von den Monstern der Wildnis gejagt, wirst du von einer mysteriösen Gruppe von Templern rekrutiert. Und so beginnt ein episches Abenteuer, in dem du die Welt durchstreifst, um unmenschliche, mutierte Monster zu bekämpfen und das schreckliche Geheimnis der aussterbenden Menschheit zu entdecken.

Das Spiel verfügt über eine einzigartige Mechanik namens Apocalyptic Form, die es den Spielern ermöglicht, sich in einen hochgradig individuellen Charakter zu verwandeln! Dank eines tiefgreifenden und reichhaltigen Anpassungssystems kannst du deinen Charakter frei formen. Und dank unseres komplexen Handwerks-Minispiels und unseres Wohnmoduls kannst du dein Abenteuer zu DEINEM Abenteuer machen!

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Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem Rezensionen und Bewertungen

Review by orukusaki [user]
30. Juni 2020

They released an unfinished buggy ass game for $59.99 lol THAT STILL IS VERY BUGGY as I write this review. Unless they release a very largeThey released an unfinished buggy ass game for $59.99 lol THAT STILL IS VERY BUGGY as I write this review. Unless they release a very large update patch to fix a lot of obvious issues do not waste your money.

Review by reflex88 [user]
4. März 2020

This game should be labeled as ALPHA due to myriad bugs, exploit opportunities and unbalanced gameplay. I'd give this game at least 6 monthsThis game should be labeled as ALPHA due to myriad bugs, exploit opportunities and unbalanced gameplay. I'd give this game at least 6 months to repair and re-release. As it stands, this was one of the most epic release failures that I have experienced.

Review by Artslet [user]
29. Februar 2020

The game is good and has potential. But story is made with hurry, and the game has a lot of bugs (mostly passives not working) and is notThe game is good and has potential. But story is made with hurry, and the game has a lot of bugs (mostly passives not working) and is not really balanced. Maybe in some months goes better

Review by GameSpot
28. Februar 2020

Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem is frustrating to play for the majority of its campaign, leaving you with little motivation to dedicate more time to endgame events. There are many technical issues that can be fixed to alleviate some of this frustration, but it's the deeper ingrained problems with difficulty balance and character build viability that keep Wolcen from fulfilling its enticing promise of a free-form ARPG. It has all the elements in place to become another engrossing time sink, but it doesn't execute well enough on any of them to make it worthwhile.

Review by 3DJuegos
27. Februar 2020

Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem is a good action isometric perspective RPG that knows how totake what you need from games like Diablo III or Path of Exile. Its playability is fun anddemanding, although it does not escape the sense of repetitiveness inherent in theworks of its genre. It highlights the excellent work that has been carried out in thesystem of skills improvements and levels rise, but it is dazzled by a multiplayer sectionstill pending some improvements in its servers, although it has been on track since itslaunch. With a new mode at the end of the main campaign, the options for those who wishto stay are endless. Undoubtedly, one of the surprises of this beginning of the year that,will have to do with time if it stays in a “take away” while Diablo IV arrives or manages tokeep his community hooked with new content.

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Veröffentlichungsdatum 13. Februar 2020
Herausgeber Wolcen Studio
Inhalt bewertet M (Mature)
Spiel-Modi Einzelspieler, Multiplayer, Kooperativ
Spieler-Perspektiven Vogelperspektive / Isometrisch
Genres Abenteuer, Rollenspiele (RPG), Indie, Hack and Slash/Beat 'em up
Themen Aktion, Horror, Offene Welt, Historisch, Fantasie
Plattformen PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S