Ultimate Chicken Horse

Kennst du jemanden, dem dieses Spiel gefallen könnte?


Hast du dir schon einmal gewünscht, ein Pferd zu sein, das durch Wände springt, Pfeile abwehrt und Fallen stellt, um deine tierischen Freunde in einem Rennen durch einen gefährlichen Hindernisparcours zu schlagen, den ihr alle zusammen gebaut habt?

Der Wunsch wird erfüllt!

Ultimate Chicken Horse ist ein Party-Platformer, bei dem du und deine Freunde den Level während des Spiels bauen und tödliche Fallen aufstellen, bevor ihr versucht, das Ende des Levels zu erreichen. Wenn du es schaffst, aber deine Freunde nicht, bekommst du Punkte! Spiele online oder lokal mit deinen tierischen Freunden und experimentiere mit einer Vielzahl von Plattformen an allen möglichen seltsamen Orten, um neue Wege zu finden, deine Freunde zu ärgern.

- Online- und lokales Spiel für bis zu 4 Spieler
- Plattformübergreifendes Spiel zwischen PC, PS4 und Switch
- Einzigartiger Spielfluss, von strategischer Blockplatzierung bis hin zu Twitch-Control-Platforming
- 15 Levels mit unterschiedlichen Funktionen
- Erstelle und teile eigene Levels
- Wetteifern Sie plattformübergreifend um globale Bestzeiten in Challenge-Levels
- Riesige Bibliothek mit Blöcken zum Erstellen einer unendlichen Vielfalt von Levels
- Anpassbare Regelsätze und Spielmodi
- Gemeinsamer Controller-Modus für Multiplayer-Spiele mit einem Controller oder einer Tastatur
- Spielen Sie als Huhn, Pferd, Schaf, Waschbär und andere wunderbare Tiere
- Lustiger, cartoonhafter Grafikstil
- Süßer, funky Soundtrack

Bitte beachten Sie: Dies ist in erster Linie ein Multiplayer-Spiel. Herausforderungslevels können erstellt und alleine gespielt werden, aber um Charaktere und Levels freizuschalten, muss einer der Hauptspielmodi (wie der Partymodus) gespielt werden, die nur für mehrere Spieler geeignet sind.

Ultimate Chicken Horse Schritte zur Aktivierung

Ultimate Chicken Horse Rezensionen und Bewertungen

Review by Arey100 [user]

Party games are pretty okay in my opinion, but this one is just. . .wow. This game is an exciting experience, the gameplay is amazing and itParty games are pretty okay in my opinion, but this one is just. . .wow. This game is an exciting experience, the gameplay is amazing and it never gets stale. Great stuff and I'm glad to see this game still going.

Review by Reniachii [user]

Everytime someone mentions this game, sparkles go through my eyes. It's incredible how fun it is, specially when playing against people withEverytime someone mentions this game, sparkles go through my eyes. It's incredible how fun it is, specially when playing against people with an equal ammount of skill, because winning stops being a goal and it ends up being a challenge on wether we can pass the level with all the obstacles we did or not, and the devs keeps adding stuff to make already placed objects more deadly, it's **** amazing. I just wish the game was free with microtransactions or something, which it's an unpopular take, but I really wish everyone played this game.

Review by TheXboxHub

Grabbing three friends and playing will bring you a time that not only will strengthen your bonds of friendship, but will also determine who is the Ultimate Chicken Horse!

Review by Xbox_Alive [user]

As far as local multiplayers go Ultimate Chicken Horse puts itself right into the very good pile. It manages to get a number of things rightAs far as local multiplayers go Ultimate Chicken Horse puts itself right into the very good pile. It manages to get a number of things right and this means that it’s a game you will revisit time and time again. The platforming which is obviously the main aspect of this game has been done to perfection. Everything feels fluid and responsive so mistakes that are made are down to you and down to you only. The game offers you both single player action and multiplayer and without a doubt the best way to play this game is in the latter. Don’t get me wrong the single player offering isn’t bad it’s just that it’s nowhere near as fun as it is when played in local or online multiplayer. I will say though that the online multiplayer does suffer with a few problems and the most noticeable problem was the lag, which did cause me a few premature deaths from time to time. The amount of content in this game is simply fantastic and with the added bonus of user generated content this means you will playing this game for a long time to come. Playing this long would make you think that you will no doubt end up getting bored, but amazingly that’s not the case. The main reason why you don’t end up getting bored is because the level design has a huge amount of variety going for it and this means things will stay interesting and fresh for some time to come. The presentation side of the game isn’t spectacular nor does it need to be because what they’re offering is perfect for the style of the game. The visuals and sound design are packed full of humour and this definitely makes the game even more of a blast to play. At the end of the day Ultimate Chicken Horse is a game that has all the things I love about local multiplayer game’s. There is just so much fun to be had with this game that it will without a doubt take a lot of your time up, and I should know because I have already sunk multiple hours into it and I just want to keep playing it. If you like local multiplayer game’s then Ultimate Chicken Horse is a must buy in fact I can see this game bringing more fans to the local multiplayer genre, which is a testament to how good the game is.

Review by Xbox Tavern

Ultimate Chicken Horse provides a canvas for you and your friends to create carnage on. Despite the lack of a structured unlock or progression system, this is a great game to pick up and enjoy in time for the festive break. It’s easy to play and as challenging as you and your nearest and dearest’s level of creativity and cunning.

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Veröffentlichungsdatum 2016-03-04
Herausgeber Clever Endeavour Games
Inhalt bewertet E10+ (Everyone 10+)
Spiel-Modi Einzelspieler, Multiplayer, Kooperativ, Geteilter Bildschirm
Spieler-Perspektiven Seitenansicht
Genres Abenteuer, Indie, Spielhalle, Plattform
Themen Aktion, Komödie, Party
Plattformen Linux, PC (Microsoft Windows), Mac, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch