Sniper: Ghost Warrior

Kennst du jemanden, dem dieses Spiel gefallen könnte?


Das Spiel ist ein taktischer Shooter, der aus der Ego-Perspektive gespielt wird. Wie der Titel vermuten lässt, besteht ein großer Teil des Spiels aus Schleichen, dem Auskundschaften von Zielen und dem Abfeuern von Scharfschützengewehren. Die Flugbahn der Kugeln unterliegt dem Wind, der Schwerkraft und der Flugzeit, die der Spieler bei seinen Schüssen berücksichtigen muss. Um diese Prozedur zu vereinfachen, enthalten die leichteren Schwierigkeitsgrade Indikatoren, die Feinde hervorheben und genau zeigen, wo eine Kugel einschlagen wird.

Die wichtigsten Waffen im Spiel sind schallgedämpfte Pistolen, Messer und verschiedene Arten von Scharfschützengewehren. In Missionen, die mit Charakteren gespielt werden, die keine Scharfschützen sind, entfällt der Stealth-Aspekt zugunsten von schnelleren "Run and Gun"-Szenarien. Eine Ausnahme bilden die Spotting-Missionen, bei denen das Hauptziel darin besteht, Ziele für einen computergesteuerten Scharfschützen zu markieren.

Der größte Teil des Spiels spielt sich in einer dichten Dschungelumgebung ab. Wegpunkt-Overlays zeigen jederzeit die korrekten Routen durch die Gebiete an, die die Spieler durchqueren müssen. Diese Routen müssen zwar nicht exakt eingehalten werden, aber das Leveldesign sorgt in der Regel dafür, dass der Weg durch die Platzierung von Hindernissen und unsichtbaren Wänden insgesamt linear verläuft. Viele Wegpunkte lösen geskriptete Missionsereignisse aus, und einige Wegpunkte dienen als Kontrollpunkte, die das Spiel automatisch speichern.

Die Einzelspieler-Kampagne von Sniper: Ghost Warrior besteht aus vier separaten Akten, von denen jeder einen anderen Konflikt behandelt. Alle Akte sind in verschiedene Missionen unterteilt, die in der Regel dasselbe Ereignis aus verschiedenen Blickwinkeln darstellen. So kann der Spieler beispielsweise in einem Abschnitt an einem Infanterieangriff auf ein feindliches Lager teilnehmen, während er im nächsten Abschnitt die Rolle eines Scharfschützen übernimmt, der den Angriff unterstützt. Für den Titel sind herunterladbare Inhalte erhältlich, die mit drei zusätzlichen Kampagnenmissionen nahtlos an die Storyline anknüpfen.


Im Spiel schlüpfen die Spieler in die Rolle verschiedener Charaktere für unterschiedliche Missionen. Darunter sind ein Scharfschütze, Sergeant Tyler "Razor Six-Four" Wells, für Missionen mit großer Reichweite und Stealth-Einsätze, ein Delta Force-Operator, Private Cole Anderson, sowie ein Rebell, El Tejon, für Missionen mit direkten Feuergefechten. Die Haupthandlung dreht sich um eine hochqualifizierte Spezialeinheit, die in das fiktive Land Isla Trueno geschickt wird, dessen demokratische Regierung von einer feindlichen Macht gestürzt worden ist.

Der verdeckte CIA-Agent Mike Rodriguez schleust sich in das Gefolge von General Vasquez ein, um für das Scharfschützenteam Alpha Nine einen Anschlag vorzubereiten. Die Tötung des Generals würde dem Regime auf der Isla Trueno ein Ende setzen. Während des Attentats wird Agent Rodriguez kompromittiert und gefangen genommen, und General Vasquez kann entkommen. Nach einer Reihe von Einsätzen gelingt es dem Angriffsteam Delta Three, unterstützt von der Scharfschützeneinheit Razor Six Four, Agent Rodriguez aus einem feindlichen Lager zu befreien.

Während Vasquez auf freiem Fuß ist, werden Delta Three und Razor Six-Four losgeschickt, um einen Luftangriff auf eine Kokainplantage vorzubereiten. Nach der erfolgreichen Zerstörung der Plantage gerät der Evakuierungshubschrauber unter Beschuss und muss abdrehen. Razor Six Four bahnt sich seinen Weg durch feindliches Gebiet, um den neuen Evakuierungspunkt zu erreichen, von dem er abgezogen wird.

Agent Rodriguez tut sich mit Sergeant Tyler Wells zusammen, um aus einem feindlichen Lager Pläne für einen nuklearen Sprengkopf zu stehlen. Die Mission ist ein Erfolg, doch Agent Rodriguez entpuppt sich als Verräter. Er nimmt die Daten an sich und überlässt es Sergeant Wells, vom Feind erschossen zu werden. Ein Rebellenführer namens El Tejon rettet Sergeant Wells, der daraufhin Rodriguez aufspürt, ihn tötet und die Daten zurückholt.

Da die Dateien unvollständig sind, stiehlt das Scharfschützenteam von Alpha Nine den Rest der Daten vom Feind. Zusammen mit Razor Six Four eliminiert Alpha Nine dann Ernesto Salazar, den Berater von General Vasquez. Die Entschlüsselung der gestohlenen Daten enthüllt den Standort einer geheimen Uranmine auf Isla Trueno. Delta Drei und Razor Sechs-Vier dringen in einem feindlichen Lastwagen in die Minenanlagen ein, befreien die zivilen Arbeiter und zerstören das Gelände. Um das nun geschwächte Regime vollständig aufzulösen, wird ein zweiter Versuch unternommen, General Vasquez zu töten. Razor Six-Four führt den Auftrag erfolgreich aus, und das Spiel endet in dem Moment, in dem Vasquez von der Kugel getroffen wird.

Sniper: Ghost Warrior Schritte zur Aktivierung

Sniper: Ghost Warrior Rezensionen und Bewertungen

Review by elpaM [user]
14. Oktober 2018

After finishing the game, I don't know what to say. It just left that 'meh' feeling in me.The graphic side of things is alright, bearingAfter finishing the game, I don't know what to say. It just left that 'meh' feeling in me.The graphic side of things is alright, bearing in mind that the game is 8 years old. But there are too many copy and pasted objects. First couple of missions, you will be pleasantly surprised by the enviroment, but after fifth it will all look the same.Physics should be the backbone of every sniping game and the bullet physics, wind, bullet drop worked. I haven't tried it in reality so I can't confirm that they are realistic, but if you play the game on hardest difficulty, you will miss a lot. Simply because there is no reticle to help you. Other sides of physics weren't that great. Often, you would get stuck in enviroment, you woulnd't be able to jump over something, or there will be an invisible texture that would mean you have to walk on to it instead of sneaking whilst lying down.When it comes to sound, again in the beggining, enviroment sounds awesome. Even the 'soundtrack' is cool. But when you realize, you will listen to these exact sounds throught the whole game, your smile will fade away. Sounds made by sniper rifles are good enough, but the rest of the weapons, that's nightmare. I just want to forget it. And lastly, the dialogue of enemies is in spanish. No issue there, I quiet like that, the issue is that it feels like they have 25 lines on repeat and when you are sneaking around them, someone just end me.As I mentione earlier, the Level desing was repetetive. Whilst it wasnt an open-world game, the levels were atleast somewhat open, so you could sneak around and try different routes. Also, there were 'secrets', laptops scattered around the missions for you to find, so this ephasised the exploring of the areas.Story-wise, I just wanted it to end. The story started well, some general that you had to kill, but it got to the same old nuclear threat as every other modern fps has to find. Why cant we just focus on drug lords and cartels in these countries? Why make it so unreasonable?The story had couple of twists and turns, some missions you were solo and on some you had a spotter. The spotter wasn't really of much help, atleast on hardest difficulty, but he had some clutch warnings, so it was cool.Sadly, the main story didn't last that long. There were sixteen missions and I completed in a bit more than six hours. I also found all the secrets. Nowadays, 6 hours is awful, but back in 2010, there werent many fps games that were longer than 10 hours. ( excluding rpgs and open world games ).Characters were forgettable. They felt a bit forced onto you and I didnt really build any kind of emotional connection. But that may have been caused by the short lenght and cliché story.Let me say one thing right now. The person who thought that it would be a good idea for the game to have passages, where you are playing someone from delta force with M16 in hand and go rambo on the enemy, just kick him. Don't ever let him do any kind of meaningful decision. Because the game actually worked in the times that you were given a sniper rifle. Also, the handling of every weapon except the sniper rifle is terrible. Assault rifles have a kick, as if the main protagonist was a little girl and not a soldier. You can't fire more than two bullet bursts, because if you try to do so, you will be spraying all around the area. Even the silenced pistol, which you will be using half the time is just meh.Up until now, I haven't said many good things about the game, yet I gave it neutral score? Why is that? Because the mechanics of sniping and sneaking are great. I am not saying they are perfect, once they see you, they will see you through bushes and stuff. But if you manage to not be spotted, you can sneak around guards without killing anyone. Of course not every time, sometimes there is an enemy that cant be avoided but still, there is a lot of freedom in how you approach some situations. And the missions, where there is stealth, those missions are the reason you play the game. Sadly, even though it works well, It won't help the score.Sniper: Ghost Warrior is not a bad game. But it could have been so much better, if it wasn't for poor story, missions that had nothing to do with sniping and some technical issues, that plague the game.

Review by buxcador [user]
4. Februar 2014

PC FOV is unbearable, and there is no fix, not even by editing files. Developers on Steam not only refuse to acknowledge that it needs to bePC FOV is unbearable, and there is no fix, not even by editing files. Developers on Steam not only refuse to acknowledge that it needs to be fixed, but also make jokes (some sexual) about the people asking for a FOV fix.

Review by MySyntony [user]
27. Dezember 2012

Sniper Ghost Warrior is really satisfying for gamer that enjoy sniping. And yes this game is totally underrated. The City Interactive team didSniper Ghost Warrior is really satisfying for gamer that enjoy sniping. And yes this game is totally underrated. The City Interactive team did a good job on the Chrome 4 Engine and the atmosphere and background music is just great. Looking forward to buy Sniper Ghost Warrior 2.

Review by garion1 [user]
26. Mai 2011

I read the reviews and as suggested, only bought the game when it was a Steam daily special for 5 USD. I played the game on normal difficultyI read the reviews and as suggested, only bought the game when it was a Steam daily special for 5 USD. I played the game on normal difficulty and have to say that most of the reviews are misleading. This game is highly underrated. I thoroughly enjoyed it. It took me 9 hours to complete the single player game. The graphics are fantastic, but you will need a decent machine to play it on the higher settings. I did not experience any problems with AI over reacting. If you take your time, move slowly and stay hidden, you won't have any issues. If anything I must agree that the AI sometimes under reacts e.g. not getting a reaction from a guy when you have just taken down the guy standing next to him. There are many factors you have to consider when playing this game. Are you using a suppressor or will the AI hear your gun? Is the AI facing you when you make a dash across the path or road? Do you change position when your cover is blown? The quick save feature is very useful. I was caught a few times and after trying a different approach, managed to get through.I enjoyed the few missions where I had to use an assault rifle. It added a nice change to the game. The pistol and knife were useful in close quarters situations. I hardly used the grenades. I also enjoyed the mix of sniper rifles you get to play with. I loved the fact that you can shoot through small gaps in walls and fences as well as through vegetation.I have started the game again on hard difficulty, which has no assists and presents a whole new challenge. I can't wait!I would give the game a 10, but there were definitely a few issues with it. The game as a whole far outweighs the glitches and I highly recommend it to FPS gamers who enjoy the satisfaction of a successful sniper shot. It is definitely one of my favourites.

Review by baseballduder [user]
14. September 2010

This game is awesome! The single player is alot of fun but kind of short i think you could beat it in about 4-5 hours. The online part of theThis game is awesome! The single player is alot of fun but kind of short i think you could beat it in about 4-5 hours. The online part of the game is intense and you have to be a good sniper to survive and know were to be. I don't know why people are having problems with this game, because they are improving it all the time and adding to it to make it better. The bugs in the game aren't annoying and they will get fixed. This game is becoming one of my favorite to play. I love it!! If you have played sniper elite before then you should be right at home with this game, it follows the bullet to the target like in sniper elite but 10 times better. If you feel like your a sniper in real life and love to do it in games then you cant go wrong in getting this game. Get it if you love sniping!!

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Veröffentlichungsdatum 24. Juni 2010
Herausgeber City Interactive, CyberFront
Inhalt bewertet M (Mature)
Spiel-Modi Einzelspieler
Spieler-Perspektiven Erste Person
Genres Schütze, Simulator, Taktisch
Themen Aktion, Kriegsführung, Stealth
Plattformen Linux, PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 3, Xbox 360