Spiel der Eltern: Resident Evil 3: Nemesis
Resident Evil 3

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Jill Valentine ist eine der letzten Menschen in Raccoon City, die Zeuge der Gräueltaten von Umbrella geworden sind. Um sie zu stoppen, entfesselt Umbrella seine ultimative Geheimwaffe: Nemesis! Enthält auch Resident Evil Resistance, ein neues 1 gegen 4 Online-Multiplayer-Spiel, das im Resident Evil-Universum spielt.


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Im Mittleren Westen der USA, in einem Ort namens Racoon City, kommt es zu einer Reihe von merkwürdigen Verschwundenen. Eine Spezialeinheit der Polizei, bekannt als S.T.A.R.S., hat den Fall untersucht und festgestellt, dass der Pharmakonzern Umbrella und seine biologische Waffe, das T-Virus, hinter den Vorfällen stecken - obwohl sie dabei mehrere Mitglieder verloren haben. Jill Valentine und die anderen überlebenden S.T.A.R.S.-Mitglieder versuchen, diese Wahrheit bekannt zu machen, müssen aber feststellen, dass die Polizeibehörde selbst unter dem Einfluss von Umbrella steht und ihre Berichte kurzerhand zurückgewiesen werden.

Doch schon bald tauchen Berichte über einen grausamen "Kannibalen-Virus" auf, und bösartige Hunde beginnen, durch die Straßen zu streifen. Jill ist entschlossen zu überleben, denn die Virusplage breitet sich in der Stadt aus und steht direkt vor ihrer Haustür.
Was Jill jedoch nicht weiß, ist, dass ein äußerst mächtiger Verfolger bereits losgeschickt wurde, um sie zu töten.

Resident Evil 3 Schritte zur Aktivierung

Resident Evil 3 Rezensionen und Bewertungen

Review by aalrif [user]
21. August 2022

ini review dari orang yang tidak main versi originalnya. menurut saya dari segala segi sangat mirip dengan re 2 remake. untuk gameplay sendiriini review dari orang yang tidak main versi originalnya. menurut saya dari segala segi sangat mirip dengan re 2 remake. untuk gameplay sendiri sangat cepat yaitu sekitar 5 jam.8.2/10

Review by Umbrella-17 [user]
18. Juni 2021

How to not do a remake properly. The game lack everything that made the original a classic. Nemesis is a joke barely chasing you. The maps isHow to not do a remake properly. The game lack everything that made the original a classic. Nemesis is a joke barely chasing you. The maps is minuscule the exploration limited to one area. A lot of content cut. No more choice that impacts events and nemesis spawn or appearance. The Story changed too much to the point of creating a possible paradox. A ton of assets recycled for RE2 Remake. RE 3 original had entirely new zombies model this game recycle most of the zombie. from RE2. They even recycled the Magnum could not even bother to make it a revolver like the original. The remake smell lazy. The decapitation's of the zombies has been tone down. Still suffer from low FPS animations from a far. The length is around 4 to 5 hours with almost no replay value also mercenaries is absent. One of the worst remake i played in years its even worst when you compare it to RE 2 remake which nailed must of it.

Review by ReubenIsAGod [user]
16. Januar 2021

It's a super cozy and short experience. I wish they added some like great CLOCK-TOWER content in the game, but honestly, it's all good and theIt's a super cozy and short experience. I wish they added some like great CLOCK-TOWER content in the game, but honestly, it's all good and the game play and style is fantastic.I've been missing the cheesy B-movie greatness of the Resident Evil games so it was fantastic having this one just commit to it.Not perfect, not the longest game ever but damn, I found it incredibly enjoyable and refreshing to play.

Review by NightElves [user]
11. Dezember 2020

High-five from me. Now I have five favorite Resident Evil games. Resident Evil 5, Resident Evil Revelations, Resident Evil Revelations 2,High-five from me. Now I have five favorite Resident Evil games. Resident Evil 5, Resident Evil Revelations, Resident Evil Revelations 2, Resident Evil 2 (remake) and Resident Evil 3 (remake). This game has the same perfect game experience like Resident Evil 2 (remake). So if you love Resident Evil 2 (remake) like I do you are going to love Resident Evil 3 (remake) as well.

Review by Gamer Escape
10. Juni 2020

While last year’s Resident Evil 2 took the story and settings of the original game and expanded them into a finely tuned masterpiece, Resident Evil 3 feels like it took a much different approach. The story, and the path it takes from beginning to end, has seen some substantial changes compared to the original to the point where it’s sometimes difficult to see any semblance of its source material under this new coat of polygons and paint. That having been said, I did enjoy my time with Resident Evil 3 and I think that fans of the series, or fans of its predecessor, will enjoy it. However, one group I feel like it might struggle to impress are the fans of the original Resident Evil 3: Nemesis which is quite unfortunate after how well last year’s Resident Evil 2 was received.

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Veröffentlichungsdatum 3. April 2020
Herausgeber NeoBards Entertainment, Capcom, M-TWO, Capcom Development Division 1, K2, REDWORKS Inc.
Inhalt bewertet M (Mature)
Spiel-Modi Multiplayer, Einzelspieler
Spieler-Perspektiven Dritte Person
Genres Abenteuer, Schütze
Themen Aktion, Horror, Überleben
Plattformen PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S