
Kennst du jemanden, dem dieses Spiel gefallen könnte?


Overture ist ein Action-Adventure-Roguelike, das stark von Hits wie Diablo, Realm of The Mad God, Zelda und The Binding of Isaac inspiriert wurde. Erforsche riesige, zufällig generierte Dungeons und töte Horden von gerissenen Feinden!

Overture Schritte zur Aktivierung

Overture Rezensionen und Bewertungen

Review by Gaming Nexus
9. März 2015

Overture is a great idea with decent execution. The groundwork is certainly laid here for a new take on the roguelike genre but there is still a lot of room for improvement and expansion.

Review by CalmDownTom
10. Februar 2015

Now comes my favourite part of the game. Better than the combat. Better than the graphics style. Better even than the NPCs who fight by your side. It’s the soundtrack. It does exactly what it’s supposed to do. It takes me back to a time when a much younger version of myself was ineptly running through games like The Legend of Zelda and Mario Brothers.

Review by Hardcore Gamer
9. Februar 2015

Overture has a lot of cool things going for it, from its pick-up and play gameplay to its catchy chiptune music. At the end of the day, however, Overture feels too by the books to leave a lasting impression.

Veröffentlichungsdatum 1. Januar 2015
Herausgeber Black Shell Media
Spiel-Modi Einzelspieler
Genres Abenteuer, Rollenspiele (RPG), Indie, Strategie
Themen Aktion
Plattformen PC (Microsoft Windows)