Next Up Hero

Kennst du jemanden, dem dieses Spiel gefallen könnte?


Du glaubst also, du kannst alle Monster erschlagen und ewigen Ruhm erlangen? Schlechte Nachrichten, Held. In den Spiralsplittern können wir immer nur einen Helden in den Kampf gegen die Unendlichen Dirge schicken. Irgendwann wird dich ein flammender blauer Feuerball, eine Mech-Mörser-Rakete oder ein riesiger Stachel des Verderbens ins Gesicht treffen, und du wirst sterben. Dann beginnt der Spaß.

Wenn du stirbst, hinterlässt du ein Echo deines Helden auf dem Schlachtfeld. Der nächste Held in der Reihe kann dein Echo als KI-Kampfgefährte wiederbeleben. Setzt abwechselnd die Spiele der anderen fort und kämpft und stirbt mit Freunden, bis ihr eine ganze Armee von Echos an eurer Seite habt. Jeder stirbt. Die Helden machen weiter.

Next Up Hero ist ein 2D-Action-Adventure, das von Community Continue angetrieben wird. Next Up Hero ist inspiriert von Freunden, die sich in der Spielhalle abwechseln, um unfair schwierige Spiele zu besiegen, und ist so konzipiert, dass das Besiegen einer Sitzung ein gemeinsamer Sieg ist und mehr Spaß macht, als alleine zu spielen.

Wähle aus neun Helden mit einer Auswahl an Waffen und Fähigkeiten, die zu deinem Spielstil passen, von Schwertern und Raketenwerfern bis hin zu Lasertürmen, Bongo-Trommeln und Bumerangs. Ab diesem Herbst können Helden, die große Taten vollbringen, an den Champions Trials teilnehmen, einem monatlichen Wettbewerb, bei dem Digital Continue die härtesten Monster, die sie haben, auf dich loslässt.

Bei der Entwicklung des Spiels wurde das Feedback der Community berücksichtigt, beginnend mit einer exklusiven geschlossenen Beta auf der RTX in diesem Sommer und dem Übergang zu Steam Early Access im Herbst. Digital Continue wird die Ideen der Community einbeziehen, um Charaktere, Gameplay, Waffen, Angriffe und Gegnertypen für das endgültige Spiel zu verbessern.

Next Up Hero ist das erste Spiel von Digital Continue, gegründet von Joe Tringali, dem Mitbegründer von 5TH Cell, den Entwicklern von Scribblenauts, Lock's Quest und Drawn to Life.


Champions Trial (nur im Early Access) - Sammle Grand Tokens und gib sie aus, um Zugang zur Champions Trial zu erhalten. Diese zusammenhängenden Abenteuer werden jeden Monat einzigartig sein. Mit jedem Grand Token erhältst du ein einziges Spiel, also wähle deinen Charakter mit Bedacht und arbeite mit der Community zusammen, um Rätsel zu lösen, herausfordernde Gegner zu besiegen und neue Belohnungen freizuschalten!

Journal-System - Erstelle und verfolge deine eigenen Errungenschaften im Stil von Mad Libs, um Grand Tokens zu verdienen!

Spotlight-Sitzungen und Ranglisten - Messen Sie sich mit der Community über tägliche, wöchentliche und monatliche Ranglisten! Nimm an einer Sitzung mit deinem Lieblingsstreamer oder Prominenten in VIP-Sitzungen teil!

Asynchroner Koop-Modus - Nimm an einem innovativen kooperativen Spielstil teil, Community Continue, bei dem das Besiegen von Community-Sitzungen eine gemeinsame Leistung ist und mehr Spaß macht als alleine zu spielen.

Charakteranpassung - Besiege Feinde, um ihre Fähigkeiten zu erlangen, die du dann mit dem Charakter deiner Wahl kombinieren kannst, um tausende von tödlichen Ausrüstungen zu erhalten!

Fähigkeitenbasierter Fortschritt - Jage und besiege Dutzende von Monstern, um ihre Fähigkeiten auf deinem Weg zu ewigem Ruhm zu meistern!

Next Up Hero Schritte zur Aktivierung

Next Up Hero Rezensionen und Bewertungen

Review by Jonnyblond77 [user]
21. Juni 2019

It’s a pretty good game only if you went the game pass route because you had nothing to lose from trying it. I played it for a bit and theIt’s a pretty good game only if you went the game pass route because you had nothing to lose from trying it. I played it for a bit and the gameplay is solid, the graphics are easy on the eyes and it’s basically a dungeon why only the 7 out of 10. I like difficulty but it has to be entertaining. This game ramps up the hard fast. I like that you can level up your stats like for instance..stun your enemies or quite a few other perks but it didn’t really hold my attention after a bit. It’s like a twin stick shooter but the enemies are just weird looking monsters. Like I’s good but there’s better out there. The multiplayer is level someone just comes in and randomly helps you but it doesn’t lower your monster count to finish the level unless it glitched. Your henchmen or echos as they call them are pretty useless. I find they don’t do all that much in terms of helping. But it’s ok...anyways..try may like it.

Review by Alex_V [user]
24. Oktober 2018

I bailed on the game without an intimate understanding of its structure, but this appears to consist of quick-fire isometric battle arenas inI bailed on the game without an intimate understanding of its structure, but this appears to consist of quick-fire isometric battle arenas in short campaigns where you can resurrect the ghosts of other dead players to help with the monsters about the place. As there's no sense of momentum or heft to the combat and very limited AI patterns, it feels a little like a proof of concept rather than a game, with in-game currency and some sort of online component that doesn't seem to have a reason to exist.

Review by metalblessing [user]
2. Oktober 2018

This was part of the Xbox Games Pass, so i downloaded it to play with my son. He was pretty excited to play it. The game itself was a prettyThis was part of the Xbox Games Pass, so i downloaded it to play with my son. He was pretty excited to play it. The game itself was a pretty good formula and I did enjoy it when we were able to play it. However there are alot of things that prevent us from really enjoying the game...When we first started the game it loaded the very first stage and everything was black but the sound would play, forcing us to quit and re-launch the game. OK, so we get back in the game and we get through the initial 5 stages. Now it has us choose from a bunch of random stages that it wasnt really clear if they were randomly generated or user created. in any case we chose one of the "easy" lava themed stages. As soon as we started we walked up to the wall and glitched through the wall and were unable to get back into the level. So once again we had to quit the game and find another stage.I decided to try to level my son's character up this morning before work to help him ease through the game better, when i started a level it would not detect the controller within the game so i could not move. So i decided to just join in with the 2nd controller and finish as player 2 since they share score. killed every monster in the level only to find that player 2 cannot actually "finish" a level and it only counts if player 1 reaches the exit, so time spent wasted. More below on how this game is "player 2 agnostic"Seems this game needs to have some of the bugs worked out, but aside from bugs there was another design flaw that really took away from the enjoyment for us. Local multiplayer seems to have been an afterthought, as the way it works is player 1 starts the game and once the level begins, another player can join in with another controller and choose a character, similar to joining an arcade game, and thats all well and good.However, player 2's presence has no bearing on anything, because not only is player 2 unable to revive echo's throughout any level but also anytime player 1 dies, regardless of whether player 2 is still alive and kicking the game ends. So if player 1 is a novice player and constantly dies, then your really just screwed as player 2. now if player 2 dies, player 1 can continue no problem, but it seems the game doesnt really care whether or not there is a 2nd player, its more or less like playing as Tails on Sonic 2, hes just can play Tails on controller 2, but he doesnt really matter.I think Next Level Hero has the potential to be a good game but it needs lots of bug fixes and an improvement in local multiplayer

Review by New Game Network
6. August 2018

Next Up Hero feels a bit more like an online app or a means of promoting Mixer rather than a fully realized game. If you happen to have the Xbox Game Pass, this might be worth giving a try, just don't expect much substance or variety.

Review by TheXboxHub
14. Juli 2018

If you can get hold of Next Up Hero as part of Xbox Game Pass, then playing it is a no-brainer. It’s fast, fun, challenging and with the chance to build your own dungeons and test the world, it’s an enticing proposition. If you need to pay for the game with real actual money, then things get a bit trickier.

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Veröffentlichungsdatum 28. Juni 2018
Herausgeber Aspyr Media, Digital Continue
Inhalt bewertet E10+ (Everyone 10+)
Spiel-Modi Einzelspieler, Multiplayer, Kooperativ
Spieler-Perspektiven Vogelperspektive / Isometrisch
Genres Abenteuer, Rollenspiele (RPG), Hack and Slash/Beat 'em up
Themen Aktion
Plattformen PC (Microsoft Windows), Mac, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch