Marsupilami: Hoobadventure

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Entdecke mit Marsupilami: Hoobadventure ein brandneues Abenteuer, das junge Spieler und Erwachsene gleichermaßen dazu einlädt, die Kontrolle über die drei Marsupilamis aus dem palombianischen Wald zu übernehmen.

Punch, Twister und Hope sind drei Marsupilamis, die ein friedliches Leben in Palumbien führen. Ihr Leben nimmt eine drastische Wendung, als sie beim Spielen mit Trümmern am Strand versehentlich einen Sarkophag öffnen, der einen mysteriösen Geist freisetzt, der alle Tiere verflucht! Zum Glück sind unsere drei Marsupilamis immun gegen den Fluch und beschließen, sich auf ein Abenteuer einzulassen, um den Geist zu finden und den Fluch umzukehren.

Inspiriert von dem Comic Marsupilami von Franquin, nimmt dich dieser 2,5D-Platformer mit auf eine bunte Reise durch den palombianischen Dschungel, eine Küstenstadt und sogar einen verlassenen Tempel. Springe, schlage, sprinte und schwinge mit deinem Schwanz, wie es nur Marsupilamis können!

Marsupilami: Hoobadventure Schritte zur Aktivierung

Marsupilami: Hoobadventure Rezensionen und Bewertungen

Review by Movies Games and Tech
3. April 2022

Marsupilami: Hoobadventure is a colourful, fun, yet well-trodden platform adventure title. You must leap obstacles, swing through the air, defeat foes, and gather the collectables. Sadly, it doesn't write a new chapter for the genre, but it's enjoyable nonetheless.

Review by CD-Action
24. Januar 2022

A fun, although relatively simple platformer inspired by old school Nintendo games. Colorful levels are easy on the eyes and when you catch the right rhythm, finishing them is pure pleasure.

Review by NindieSpotlight [user]
16. Dezember 2021

While for a little while the introduction of 3D platforming was seen as the path to gaming irrelevance for its 2D side-scrolling brethren,While for a little while the introduction of 3D platforming was seen as the path to gaming irrelevance for its 2D side-scrolling brethren, traditional platformers aren’t only still around, they’re still kicking ass and taking names. Well, some of them are. The thing is, in many regards Marsupilami is a solid title. Though perhaps control responsiveness and overall pacing are a tad on the sluggish side, everything feels pretty smart and accessible. You’re free to simply run and jump along, keeping your head in the game to simply complete the level, or take the time and effort to seek out meatier challenges and secrets that will require you to demonstrate some additional gamer cred to complete. This all somehow gives it both a family-friendly and tough-but-fair degree of difficulty that should help it appeal to a pretty wide audience. I do wish it had a little more to offer in terms of variety, to better match up against some of its stronger competition on the platform, but if you’re just out for a good time it may be a winner depending on what you’re looking for.

Review by ZTGD
7. Dezember 2021

With so many games aiming for the gamer dollar it is nice to see one that could have been an easy cash-in spend so much time paying attention to the finer details. Games aimed at younger players don’t need to forget the fundamentals of what makes people fall in love with gaming. Think back to titles like Mario Bros. and how they were accessible, yet finely tuned and how it hooked an entire generation on the hobby. Kids are smarter than some developers give them credit for and I am thrilled to say that Marsupilama: Hoobadventure is one of the best attempts at the genre I have seen this year. Definitely recommend checking it out on whatever platform you own.

Review by jro3001 [user]
6. Dezember 2021

The difficulty spike in the last level is beyond aggravating. Bad controls plus bad level design equals me nearly throwing my Switch at theThe difficulty spike in the last level is beyond aggravating. Bad controls plus bad level design equals me nearly throwing my Switch at the wall. So close to being so good but utterly ruined at the end.

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Veröffentlichungsdatum 6. Oktober 2021
Herausgeber Microids, Ocellus Studio
Gesamtwertung 84%
Inhalt bewertet E (Everyone)
Spiel-Modi Einzelspieler
Spieler-Perspektiven Seitenansicht
Genres Abenteuer, Plattform
Themen Aktion, Komödie, Kinder
Plattformen PC (Microsoft Windows), Mac, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S