Loop Hero

Kennst du jemanden, dem dieses Spiel gefallen könnte?


Der Lich hat die Welt in eine zeitlose Schleife geworfen und ihre Bewohner in ein nie endendes Chaos gestürzt. Mit einem sich erweiternden Stapel mystischer Karten platzieren Sie Feinde, Gebäude und Gelände entlang jeder einzigartigen Expeditionsschleife für den tapferen Helden.

Die Geschichte

Der Lich hat die Welt in eine zeitlose Schleife geworfen und ihre Bewohner in ein nicht enden wollendes Chaos gestürzt. Setze ein wachsendes Deck mystischer Karten ein, um Feinde, Gebäude und Terrain entlang jeder einzigartigen Expeditionsschleife für den tapferen Helden zu platzieren. Sammle mächtige Beute für jede Heldenklasse und rüste sie für ihre Kämpfe aus, und baue das Lager der Überlebenden aus, um jedes Abenteuer in der Schleife zu verstärken. Schalte auf deinem Weg, den endlosen Kreislauf der Verzweiflung zu durchbrechen, neue Klassen, neue Karten und hinterhältige Wächter frei.

Loop Hero Schritte zur Aktivierung

Loop Hero Rezensionen und Bewertungen

Review by Oldman1917 [user]
6. April 2022

I wonder if it is possible to underestimate the absence of the Russian language, is it possible to underestimate the absence of any otherI wonder if it is possible to underestimate the absence of the Russian language, is it possible to underestimate the absence of any other language in their games?If it's possible to **** a game over LGBT references, can it be turned against them?We have become tolerant of intolerance. Or is it different?

Review by w-stone [user]
6. Februar 2022

Шикарная игра , очень затягивает . Игра конечно не на 10 баллов , но я хочу поддержать разрабов. У игры есть проблемы , например сюжет . НоШикарная игра , очень затягивает . Игра конечно не на 10 баллов , но я хочу поддержать разрабов. У игры есть проблемы , например сюжет . Но геймплей спасает ситуацию.

Review by Vulgrim [user]
26. Mai 2021

I played a demo for a few hours, which allowed for a lot of progress and still knew what product I was buying.The game is very simple atI played a demo for a few hours, which allowed for a lot of progress and still knew what product I was buying.The game is very simple at first glance - we walk in a loop, collect equipment, fight automatic battles. However, each opportunity to develop a settlement / camp allows you to discover new mechanics, including cards with which we "rebuild" the destroyed world. And here are some nice surprises as the game offers many hidden synergies between them. Putting many rocks and mountains next to each other creates a Great Mountain, the Vampire Manor turns Villages into ghouls' spawns, which can become Towns after a while, if we survive some loops, etc.It could be cheaper, but it seems to offer enough entertainment (and that is before I unlocked the second character class) to pay off in getting it during the promotion. A big surprise at the beginning of March, definitely positive.

Review by Het Nieuwsblad
25. März 2021

Loop Hero is essentially a constant game of risk versus reward that quickly takes hold of you. And once you're in that loop, it's hard to get out again.

Review by Edge Magazine
25. März 2021

Once you let go (or are forced to), it all seems a little empty, like perhaps the only thing compelling you onward was the hypnotic effect of watching something go round and round. It doesn't take too many repeats before the theming rubs away, leaving only the exposed machine beneath. How much do we need to feel like we're on an adventure? A little more than this, it turns out.

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Veröffentlichungsdatum 4. März 2021
Herausgeber Devolver Digital, Four Quarters
Inhalt bewertet T (Teen)
Spiel-Modi Einzelspieler
Spieler-Perspektiven Vogelperspektive / Isometrisch
Genres Abenteuer, Rollenspiele (RPG), Indie, Strategie, Karten- und Brettspiel
Themen Fantasie
Plattformen Linux, PC (Microsoft Windows), Mac, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, Xbox Series X|S