
Kennst du jemanden, dem dieses Spiel gefallen könnte?


Du wachst auf und findest dich in einer Überwinterungskapsel wieder, ohne Essen, ohne Kleidung, ohne irgendetwas. Alles, was du tun musst, ist zu überleben. Wenn du herausfindest, wie du die Dinge um dich herum nutzen kannst, wird dir das helfen, zu überleben und die Geheimnisse dieses seltsamen und gefährlichen Planeten zu lüften.

Keplerth Schritte zur Aktivierung

Keplerth Rezensionen und Bewertungen

Review by Movies Games and Tech
20. Juli 2022

Keplerth is an overall enjoyable survival crafting game. The gameplay mechanics are incredibly fun, albeit rather simple and repetitive. The RPG systems are surprisingly complex, but feel as though they are still waiting to be developed into something more substantial. While the art style is a clear rip off of RimWorld, it has been executed well to suit the game’s needs. As of this review, Keplerth is being sold for a little under £12. At this price, I’d recommend that you give it a shot if you are a fan of games like Terraria or Don’t Starve.

Review by The Games Machine
5. Juli 2022

Thanks to a constant hint system always suggesting what our next step should be, Keplerth guarantees a casual approach to the usually hardcore survival genre, as long as you select a low difficulty level. Just like in other sandboxes, you decide how to play, choosing whether to run along the main quest or dedicate to hunting, fishing, breeding, farming, expanding and improving our base. By activating permadeath the gameplay gets as tough as the meanest roguelike and it's worth a try.

Review by GameGrin
16. Juni 2022

Keplerth is a great 2D survival game that is so deep and has so much to do it will keep you busy for a long time! I just wish it had a little more direction at times, but either way, exploring and figuring things out yourself is so addictive!

Veröffentlichungsdatum 23. April 2018
Herausgeber Gamera Games, TARO
Spiel-Modi Einzelspieler, Multiplayer, Kooperativ
Spieler-Perspektiven Vogelperspektive / Isometrisch
Genres Abenteuer, Rollenspiele (RPG), Indie, Simulator
Themen Aktion, Science-Fiction, Sandkasten
Plattformen PC (Microsoft Windows)