Spiel der Eltern: Jagged Alliance 2 Classic
Jagged Alliance: Back in Action

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Back in Action wurde von Grund auf neu entwickelt, um ein modernes Spielerlebnis zu bieten. Es bietet einen aktualisierten isometrischen 3D-Look und eine neue Benutzeroberfläche, hochdetaillierte Charaktermodelle und eine Vielzahl neuer Gameplay-Features. Back in Action entführt die Spieler in das fiktive Land Arulco, wo ein skrupelloser Diktator die Macht an sich gerissen hat und nur eine kleine Gruppe von Rebellen ihm Widerstand leistet. Mit dem Auftrag, die Insel aus dem eisernen Griff des Diktators zu befreien, befehligt der Spieler Rebellen- und Söldnertruppen, während er taktische, diplomatische und wirtschaftliche Werkzeuge einsetzt, um die Truppen zu versorgen und für die nächste Flucht bereit zu halten, während er sie direkt in spannenden Schlachten befehligt.

Unerreichte Mischung aus Kampf (Taktik), Rollenspiel, Wirtschaft und Strategie

Das innovative "Plan & Go"-Kampfsystem kombiniert RTS-Gameplay mit rundenbasierten Elementen.

Realistisches Kriegssetting mit authentisch wirkenden Schusswaffen

Laptop-/Computermenü als zentraler Ankerpunkt für den Spieler

Stellen Sie Ihre eigene Söldnereinheit aus zahlreichen einzigartigen Söldnern zusammen

Gleichzeitige Steuerung mehrerer Trupps über eine strategische Karte

Überzeugende Charaktere, die mit dem Spielgeschehen interagieren und es kommentieren

Alle Dialoge sind vertont

Erwerben Sie Ressourcen durch die Eroberung von Minen und Lagern

Jagged Alliance: Back in Action Schritte zur Aktivierung

Jagged Alliance: Back in Action Rezensionen und Bewertungen

Review by Whizkid [user]
24. Oktober 2014

game is better than most of the JA wannabe including the recent JA Flashback, get this game when its on sale and get the 2 mods either combatgame is better than most of the JA wannabe including the recent JA Flashback, get this game when its on sale and get the 2 mods either combat evolve or realism and u not look back.game is like a real time strategy game u need to plan the attack and positioning of your mercs is important as in real life combat.

Review by mikelovichNor [user]
31. März 2014

JA2 was one of my favorite tactical games. This remake killed it. The cheating AI is the most annoying thing in this game. Even when operatingJA2 was one of my favorite tactical games. This remake killed it. The cheating AI is the most annoying thing in this game. Even when operating under night conditions the enemies got xray eyes. Once you're spotted, they know where you are forever. They also took out armor repair, which renders the best armor you find, useless in a couple of battles. The store mechanic is also cumbersome, why can't they just design a drop ship from a helicopter to a specified sector instead of having to have to go to the airport every single freakin time. Oh yeah, your sector militias are useless, they always get beat unless you reinforce them with your own merc. Oh yeah, the stealth mechanic is borked. Even when the sound meter is all the way down, somehow the enemy could detect you and face you. Best of all, there is NO tactic in this game. If you don't lure the enemies to your waiting mercs then the enemy could swarm your lone gunman. Also an enemy with a pistol can beat your sniper at range, at night too, without nightscope, omg the cheating AI so OP

Review by PC Master (Greece)
16. Mai 2012

Ignore Back in Action and just buy Jagged Alliance 2 to cherish the original version of a great game. Then again, if graphics are so important to you, go ahead and buy Back in Action- you might enjoy it but you will have paid four times more, for an inferior product.

Review by Karolus [user]
14. Mai 2012

Used to play XComs and original Jagged Alliance 1,2 games. This one (patched to 1.13) is not bad one. Quite entertaining in fact. I would sayUsed to play XComs and original Jagged Alliance 1,2 games. This one (patched to 1.13) is not bad one. Quite entertaining in fact. I would say it keeps the level of unmodded J.A. - playable but not exceptional.Graphics and controls are the bright sides. Pitty you cannot jump and climb the roofs , the AI is not stellar and targettig feels sometimes unfinished (especialy with sniper rifle)Hoping for further improvements and mods.

Review by Pelit (Finland)
13. März 2012

A classic that captured the minds of countless tactical role-playing game enthusiasts back in 1999. It had superb turn-based combat, mercenaries with larger than life personalities and loads of guns and gadgets. Overthrowing queen Deidranna and freeing Arulco was a quest for the ages. Jagged Alliance - Back in Action is a remake of Jagged Alliance 2, but fails to capture the magic of its predecessor. Turn-based combat is gone and the mercenaries have lost their edge. The visuals are up to date and roaming Arulco is still a treat, but getting rid of fog of war is a huge mistake. Back in Action is not a bad game, but pales in comparison to its father.

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Veröffentlichungsdatum 8. Februar 2012
Herausgeber bitComposer Games, Bigmoon Entertainment, THQ Nordic
Inhalt bewertet M (Mature)
Spiel-Modi Einzelspieler
Spieler-Perspektiven Vogelperspektive / Isometrisch
Genres Rollenspiele (RPG), Simulator, Taktisch, Strategie, Rundenbasierte Strategie (TBS)
Themen Aktion
Plattformen Linux, PC (Microsoft Windows), Mac