
Kennst du jemanden, dem dieses Spiel gefallen könnte?


"In der Welt von Eastward sind die menschlichen Gesellschaften isoliert und schrumpfen aufgrund eines schweren Umweltproblems.
Du spielst einen "Vater" mit einer ihm folgenden "Tochter" und gehst durch diese post-apokalyptische Welt (ja, das kommt mir bekannt vor...)

Das Spiel wird ein Action-Adventure sein. Wir hoffen, dass es wie ein Zelda-Spiel mit einer Story im JRPG-Stil sein wird. Es wird zuerst auf Steam veröffentlicht werden (natürlich würden wir es gerne auf die Konsolen bringen, wenn es möglich ist).

Das Spiel verwendet einen speziellen "Retro-Pixel + 3D-Beleuchtung" visuellen Stil. Unser Ziel ist es, ein Gefühl zu erreichen, das der japanischen Animation der 90er Jahre nahe kommt."


In einer wunderschön detaillierten und bezaubernden post-apokalyptischen Welt entdeckt ein Bergarbeiter ein mysteriöses kleines Mädchen namens Sam tief unter der Erde in einer geheimen Anlage... Begib dich auf eine Reise durch verfallende Städte und begegne unterwegs seltsamen Kreaturen und noch seltsameren Menschen!

In der nahen Zukunft beginnt die Gesellschaft zu kollabieren und die menschliche Bevölkerung schrumpft auf einen absoluten Tiefpunkt. Während die Welt in Trümmern liegt, entdeckt ein hart arbeitender Bergarbeiter namens John ein junges Mädchen namens Sam tief unter der Erde in einer geheimen Einrichtung. Nachdem sie aus der Stadt geflohen sind, begibt sich das ungleiche Paar auf eine emotionale Reise, um die seltsame Wahrheit über ihre Herkunft und das Geheimnis hinter den unheimlichen Kreaturen zu entdecken, die über die Städte herfallen und alles auf ihrem Weg verschlingen.

Eastward Schritte zur Aktivierung

Eastward Rezensionen und Bewertungen

Review by Hobby Consolas
5. August 2022

Eastward pays tribute to the 90s adventures, mixing ideas from different titles, but keeping its own style. A little gem in the visual department that can entertain you for 25 hours or more, that now, thanks to the latest patch with the Spanish and German translation and all the improvements made, makes the adventure more accessible than ever.

Review by MechGundam13 [user]
18. Juli 2022

Great Story, charming Characters, nice pixel visuals also a very good soundtrack.To this day my favorite Switch Game.If you like oldGreat Story, charming Characters, nice pixel visuals also a very good soundtrack.To this day my favorite Switch Game.If you like old school Zelda (SNES) you should really check this game out.

Review by tremault [user]
24. Februar 2022

Initial impressions, after prologue and fair way into chapter 1. The game has unmistakeable charm and has some engaging gameplay elements thatInitial impressions, after prologue and fair way into chapter 1. The game has unmistakeable charm and has some engaging gameplay elements that are fundamentally robust. So far though, there are several issues that mar the experience. There are enemies that can drop on your head and there seems to be literally zero sign that it's going to happen. I don't find this to be a satisfying 'challenge'. The text sometimes has a tendency to auto advance with very little apparent reason, posing major problems for slower readers. The menu has a very strange arrangement, which can make it confusing to find the item you want to inspect. why aren't the cooking ingredients in the cooking tab for example? why isn't the backpack just on the same tab as quest items? why is the quest screen and the map screen, inbetween the quest items and the backpack? bizarre and nonsensical.The pacing also seems really slow so far. despite that, the pace at which I'm collecting quest items seems to suggest the game is really short.Other issues... The stuttering. I'm playing on an R7 with a rtx 2080 and 32gb ram. My system should not be struggling with this game.when I see electrical cables sparking, I tend to avoid them, yet the game wants you to interact with then, connecting and disconnecting live wires. to say this is irresponsible is an understatement. kids will be playing this.

Review by CD-Action
19. Januar 2022

Eastward is pretty and at first glance seems to have everything a good RPG needs, but its boring story and drawn-out conversations between clichéd characters made it harder to enjoy.

Review by Strohbi [user]
3. November 2021

Amazing Game! Never played anything like it.Put Zelda (even Majoras Mask dare I say), Earthbound and an jrpg together to tell a deep andAmazing Game! Never played anything like it.Put Zelda (even Majoras Mask dare I say), Earthbound and an jrpg together to tell a deep and meaningful story that boggles your mind and you got Eastward I guess. It oozes of charm, actually made me laugh out loud and is super trippy. The controls are so smart and they push them at times almost like a Mario would. There were moments were some missions felt a bit like busy work but they were none the less charming and in hindsight it actually makes sense for the story telling. But the closer of this one is a true firework. Just a shame that cooking ingredients where so rare in the last parts but maybe I just didn’t find them. A true Gem! Man, if this are Chinese games now I’m here for it!

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Veröffentlichungsdatum 16. September 2021
Herausgeber Chucklefish Games, Pixpil Studio
Gesamtwertung 85%
Inhalt bewertet T (Teen)
Spiel-Modi Einzelspieler
Spieler-Perspektiven Vogelperspektive / Isometrisch
Genres Abenteuer, Rollenspiele (RPG), Indie, Simulator
Themen Aktion, Science-Fiction
Plattformen PC (Microsoft Windows), Mac, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch