
Kennst du jemanden, dem dieses Spiel gefallen könnte?


Defunct ist ein Indie-Abenteuerspiel mit Schwerpunkt auf Spielfluss, Geschwindigkeit und einer fesselnden Welt. Du bist ein kaputter Roboter, der versehentlich aus einem riesigen Frachtschiff auf eine post-menschliche Erde fällt, die nun von Robotern bewohnt wird. Du musst zurück zu deinem Schiff kommen, bevor es zu spät ist!

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Defunct Rezensionen und Bewertungen

Review by grihajedy [user]
24. März 2022

A normal racing game, where you just need to drive from point a to point b, overcoming small obstacles, collecting bonuses along the way, withA normal racing game, where you just need to drive from point a to point b, overcoming small obstacles, collecting bonuses along the way, with a setting copied from the "Wally" cartoon . Mechanics, graphics, everything is ok./Нормальная гоночная игра, где надо просто проехать из точки а в точку б, преодолевая небольшие препятствия, попутно собирая бонусы, с закосом под мультик Валли. Механики, графика, всё сделано норм.

Review by GameGrin
9. Februar 2018

Not terribly engaging, not that great to look at or listen to, no characters or themes to get attached to, and no real point to the entire story mode. Just a generally underwhelming experience.

Review by TheXboxHub
8. Januar 2018

Defunct isn’t a game that must be played, and the damn camera and poor audio don’t ever breed much confidence. But underneath the issues is a fun little title that is just begging to get out.

Review by Xbox_Alive [user]
3. Januar 2018

Defunct is one of them rare game’s that has a number of different mechanics all in play at the same time, and for the most part it delivers inDefunct is one of them rare game’s that has a number of different mechanics all in play at the same time, and for the most part it delivers in all of these areas which in turn creates a very enjoyable experience. The gameplay in the game shines through a lot of the time and that’s mainly down to them giving you a lot of freedom to use speed and exploration at the same time. Thankfully the controls hold up really well throughout the game which is definitely important because the game can become very difficult and the worst thing is that the difficulty curve seems to come out of nowhere. My favourite thing about the game is the level design. The reason I say level design is because you can tell a lot of thought and effort went into each level and I loved that they allow you to complete a level using multiple routes. This freedom though can cause you a few problems at times because you do have to backtrack a lot and when doing this you can get lost, so some frustration will be present at times. Thankfully there was no frustration when it came to the puzzles and in my opinion the puzzles were designed really well and did a great job of adding something different to the gameplay. If you are looking for a game with tons of content then you won’t find it here and I must admit that I was a little disappointed by how short the game was. The presentation side of the game is brilliant in my opinion. The reason I think it’s brilliant is because they’ve done a great job of making the visuals and sound design look and sound fun and they’ve also made it accessible to all gamers, which is great. At the end of the day I didn’t think I would enjoy Defunct as much as I did and I love it when a game surprises me. Don’t get me wrong this game is far from being perfect and the niggling problems can be a nuisance at times, but you can look past these problems because it gets a number of things right and because of that it gets a thumbs up from me.

Review by Xbox Tavern
29. Dezember 2017

Defunct offers a well rounded adventure that doesn’t take itself too seriously. It’s a game that doesn’t try to stand out, but instead rest on its laurels of relaying that old-school Sonic-like gameplay. The story is forgettable and the functionality of play can take some getting used to, but if you bear with it, Defunct wont disappoint.

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Veröffentlichungsdatum 29. Januar 2016
Herausgeber Freshly Squeezed, SOEDESCO Publishing
Inhalt bewertet E (Everyone)
Spiel-Modi Einzelspieler
Genres Abenteuer, Indie, Rennsport
Themen Aktion, Science-Fiction, Kinder
Plattformen PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch