Back 4 Blood" ist ein spannender kooperativer Ego-Shooter von den Machern der von der Kritik hochgelobten Left 4 Dead-Reihe. Sie befinden sich im Zentrum eines Krieges gegen die Ridden. Diese einst menschlichen Wirte eines tödlichen Parasiten haben sich in furchterregende Kreaturen verwandelt, die alles verschlingen wollen, was von der Zivilisation übrig ist. Da die Auslöschung der Menschheit auf dem Spiel steht, liegt es an dir und deinen Freunden, den Kampf gegen den Feind aufzunehmen, die Ridden auszurotten und die Welt zurückzuerobern."
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Back 4 Blood Rezensionen und Bewertungen
I had a lot of fun playing through this. The gameplay gunplay is excellent, Everything else though is pretty average such as the characters,I had a lot of fun playing through this. The gameplay gunplay is excellent, Everything else though is pretty average such as the characters, story, online and customization. But for a few hours mowing through zombies on single player and occasional randoms online, free via game pass, it is worth your time. Just dont expect it to be as memorable as L4D.
This is supposed to be a AAA game but yet the physics feel more arcade. I think you made a mistake trying to make something like L4D as whenThis is supposed to be a AAA game but yet the physics feel more arcade. I think you made a mistake trying to make something like L4D as when people don't get that its disappointing. Really you should have done something completely new. Not used physics and styling the same as L4D. A zombie game with a good storyline. Instead of 4 health bars as the bottom just have 1. Instead of restarting at the safe room, have checkpoints instead. L4D was such a great game but its in the past and everyone wants the future.The cards are more of a hindrance. The guns and customization is a great feature and finding new attachments and stuff, I loved it. I didn't like only carrying 1 grenade, this would have been better if you could carry 2 and then throw them whilst having your weapon equipped. Then having 2 equipment, 1 health item and 1 quick item.This game could have been so much more if it wasn't trying to appeal to something that was made over a decade ago and instead made something new and improved and had features that they could really brag about. Seriously if I goto someone and say "Have you tried this new game, its like L4D with a couple extras?" it doesn't exactly sound as fun as saying "Have you tried this new game where you can do this, this and this?"When you copy an old game, you set people up for disappointment. You do something new then people don't set the barrier so high and its easier to please them. I hope to see more zombie games in the future but I would like to see new and amazing features.The worst parts of this game that really made it annoying was that if you walk near a zombie your character can hardly move even when the zombie isn't at the point of attacking. Restricting the player like that is horrible. I understand this is games years ago but in games these days its annoying. Another thing is that all combat instances are the exact same. Its just enemies running at you and you shoot them. Why can't you approach things differently and give the game more replayability? Like multiple different lanes and rather then zombie knowing where you are without even being detected you could have made it so if you go within a certain radius of a zombie they could slowly follow the scent until they get direct eye site at you and then charge at you alerting all of the other zombies in the area. This would then allow players to have a choice. Do they wanna go guns blazing or take the stealth approach and pick off as many zombies as they can before getting noticed. Of course you should then tune the health so body shots do less damage then what they do now and such.Although I can't say all the game is bad. It is a good game. I had fun playing it. I didn't really understand the hole story. Although I think the game didn't focus so much on that area and it was more just an arcade zombie shooter. The gun mechanics didn't feel bad. The graphics were nothing outstanding but they were still good. For the size of the dev team I believe they done a good job with them. It fun to play with friends or family. Not something I would spend hours a day on but as something to have a little enjoyment out of here and there.I do hope this game doesn't put turtle rock off developing future zombie games. This was still a good return and I am hoping they take the criticism in a positive way and it gives them an idea on what to do with future projects. I believe people are not taking the big picture into consideration when reviewing this title. These devs aren't million airs and its not a team the size of Infinity Ward, Bungie or Rockstar.Good job Turtle rock but you can do better. Please take onboard the reviews and come back with something amazing and not just good.
Game is pretty good, technically it's almost perfect, I haven't seen any critical bugs at all. Gameplay is 8/10, deck building mechanicGame is pretty good, technically it's almost perfect, I haven't seen any critical bugs at all. Gameplay is 8/10, deck building mechanic provides pretty good replayability. It was really surprising to find a lot of free content in game (player and guns skins mostly). PVP mode differs from L4D pretty much, but after a couple of hours you would like it. I'm still looking forward to adding in this game a classic PVP mode like it was in L4D. Honestly, I'm wondering why rating of this game here is so low, maybe those guys just didn't give this game a chance
Overall it does not have the same impact that Left 4 Dead 1 and 2 had, but it is the closest to Left 4 Dead 3. While repetition sets in fastOverall it does not have the same impact that Left 4 Dead 1 and 2 had, but it is the closest to Left 4 Dead 3. While repetition sets in fast with level structure and mission objectives Back 4 Blood offers a wide range of customization with character, weapons,gear and teammates. Fast and relentless at time the action and violence does not let up. Very good online but offline can get stale quickly. The card perk system works well.
Ce machin est la suite des « Left 4 Dead », des jeux à la mords-moi-le-noeud pour kévins en koopération kikoolol (un jeu triple K donc). C’estCe machin est la suite des « Left 4 Dead », des jeux à la mords-moi-le-noeud pour kévins en koopération kikoolol (un jeu triple K donc). C’est konçu pour la koop’ à 4 et même si l’on peut tenter d’y jouer en solo, on se fera autant chier qu’à plusieurs… Le caractère hautement répétitif de cette bouse, pour ne pas dire farmeux (mais pas fameux, non, non) est un gros souci, source d’ennui immédiat et prolongé.Il faut « finir » des zones entières avant de pouvoir sauvegarder dans le ‘refuge’ suivant, sous peine de tout recommencer… évidemment ! L’interface et la maniabilité laissent à désirer, de même que l’architecture des niveaux ou la confusion générale qui règne lors de la baston générale… On est loin, loin des Dead Rising, pourtant déjà peu avares en défauts de toute sorte…!Back 4 machin est par ailleurs ‘so 2010’ comme disent les djeunzs et s’il n’est pas forcément très vilain en soi, il reste étonnamment médiocre graphiquement parlant ! un système de ‘cartes’ (?!) comme dans l’infâme NFS Payback par exemple donnent des avantages éventuels mais franchement, ça ne sent pas très bon… il faut de toute façon farmer les niveaux pour débloquer des tenues, des trucs et d’autres merdes…Une mise-à-jour deux mois après la sortie a enfin permis de jouer hors ligne mais ça ne suffit pas à sortir ce gros étron de jeu-service du fossé où il s’est foutu !
Veröffentlichungsdatum | 12. Oktober 2021 |
Herausgeber | Turtle Rock Studios, Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment |
Inhalt bewertet | M (Mature) |
Spiel-Modi | Einzelspieler, Multiplayer, Kooperativ |
Spieler-Perspektiven | Erste Person |
Genres | Schütze |
Themen | Aktion, Horror, Überleben |
Plattformen | PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S |