Windjammers 2

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Windjammers 2 kombiniert alles, was die Fans am Klassiker lieben, mit komplett handgezeichneten 2D-Animationen, um das ultimative Windjamming-Erlebnis zu schaffen. Das kommende Sequel bringt neue Stages und Spieler, überraschende und verblüffende neue Power-Moves und verbesserte Gameplay-Mechaniken!


25 Jahre später ist das Werfen von fliegenden Scheiben auf deine Gegner immer noch so cool wie damals. Die Fortsetzung des NEOGEO-Kultklassikers Windjammers, Windjammers 2, ist die perfekte Mischung aus dem, was du an dem Klassiker geliebt hast, und brandneuen Spielmechaniken.

Schnell, strategisch, leicht zu erlernen, aber schwer zu meistern: Windjammers 2 tritt in die Fußstapfen des ersten Teils und bringt das zurück, was die Windjammers-Serie zu einem unglaublichen Spaß- und Wettkampfspiel macht!

Windjammers 2 Schritte zur Aktivierung

Windjammers 2 Rezensionen und Bewertungen

Review by New Game Network
21. März 2022

It may be several decades since the original was released, but the sportsmanship torch has been proudly passed onto Windjammers 2. It may lack a comprehensive offline arcade mode, but you can still get windswept into its addictive gameplay cycle and online competition.

Review by ZTGD
15. März 2022

Windjammers 2 is a really great game. There’s a nice community of players still going strong online and this game could be a great controller passing time for local play. Sure, the tutorial is a bit rough, but just playing and experimenting with the game allowed me to get better and have a fun time with it. Anyone who is into arcadey sports titles and to a lesser extent, fighting games should give this one a try.

Review by NextPlayer_it [user]
2. März 2022

Windjammers 2 è un arcade puro con un gameplay solido e divertente. Dotemu è riuscita a preservare quella natura arcade degli anni ’90Windjammers 2 è un arcade puro con un gameplay solido e divertente. Dotemu è riuscita a preservare quella natura arcade degli anni ’90 immediata e adrenalinica. Proprio come nell’originale. Come dicevamo prima, la campagna è composta da 5 stage più dei bonus. Dotemu con questo seguito ha cercato di essere il più fedele possibile all’originale, con una veste grafica nuova e con qualche nuovo personaggio. Windjammers 2 è un gioco che non deve mancare nella vostra collezione di giochi sia per i vecchi che per i nuovi giocatori.

Review by Switch Player
25. Februar 2022

Windjammers 2 is addictive, vibrant, and intense. With gameplay as fun as this you’d be hard pressed not to enjoy it to some degree, but the lack of tutorials and the rather limited modes hold it back a little.

Review by Het Nieuwsblad
25. Februar 2022

Windjammers is a mixture of volleyball, tennis and air field hockey, but with frisbees. All of that poured over in a visual flair that's bulging with neon and other early 90s sauces. Also 90s: the difficulty. Even the easiest opponents are very difficult.

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Veröffentlichungsdatum 20. Januar 2022
Herausgeber DotEmu
Inhalt bewertet E (Everyone)
Spiel-Modi Einzelspieler, Multiplayer
Spieler-Perspektiven Vogelperspektive / Isometrisch
Genres Indie, Spielhalle, Sport, Strategie, Kämpfen
Themen Aktion
Plattformen PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, Google Stadia