
The Elder Scrolls Online ist ein Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game, das im Mai 2012 angekündigt wurde. Entwickelt vom Team der ZeniMax Online Studios, verbindet The Elder Scrolls Online die unvergleichliche Erkundung reicher Welten, für die das Franchise bekannt ist, mit dem Umfang und den sozialen Aspekten eines Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games.

Ein völlig neues Kapitel der Elder Scrolls-Geschichte wird in dieser ehrgeizigen Welt aufgeschlagen, die ein Jahrtausend vor den Ereignissen von Skyrim spielt, als der daedrische Prinz Molag Bal versucht, ganz Tamriel in sein dämonisches Reich zu ziehen.

Die Handlung

Das Spiel spielt in der Zweiten Ära, im Jahr 2E 583, während einer Zeitspanne, die als Interregnum bekannt ist. Es war eine Zeit, die für ihre politische Instabilität bekannt war. Der daedrische Prinz Molag Bal hat diese Instabilität ausgenutzt, um zu versuchen, ganz Tamriel in sein Reich Coldharbour zu ziehen. Zu diesem Zweck schickt er Geräte namens "Dunkle Anker" nach Tamriel. Die Gilde der Kämpfer hat es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, diese zu entfernen.

Die Familie Tharn, die durch die Kaiserinregentin Clivia Tharn die Herrschaft über Cyrodiil innehat, hat einen Pakt mit dem König von Worms geschlossen, der sich bereit erklärt hat, die kaiserlichen Streitkräfte durch die Wiederbelebung ihrer Soldaten zu ergänzen. Im Geheimen schmiedet Mannimarco ein Komplott mit Molag Bal, dem daedrischen Fürsten der Verderbnis und der Herrschaft, um Mundus zu übernehmen. Molag Bal erntet auch die Seelen der Sterblichen. Der Held ist ein Abenteurer, dem die Seele genommen wurde, die es ihm ermöglicht, immer wieder ins Leben zurückzukehren.

The Elder Scrolls Online Schritte zur Aktivierung

The Elder Scrolls Online Rezensionen und Bewertungen

Review by AuldWolf [user]
7. Januar 2017

A bad time for casuals.This game started off as having more of a casual focus, sure. Since One Tamriel, though, it's been supremelyA bad time for casuals.This game started off as having more of a casual focus, sure. Since One Tamriel, though, it's been supremely exclusionary of casuals. Dungeons scale to appeal to end-game PvE players, balance changes that regularly wreck concept builds to appeal to PvP players, and world bosses that used to be soloable that now require a large group. If you're a very competitive sort, you'll love it. It's just too toxic of an environment for casuals. It's moving ever more and more toward appealing to the people who play WoW and League of Legends.Crafting used to be a level above all drops, so it was easy to craft great armour. Crafting stats have been nerfed, and crafted gear is the same level as what drops now (and inferior in every way). This is something they promised they wouldn't do, but hey, it's just too easy to get good gear and the high-end PvE players don't like that. They added duelling, which meant that roleplayers are now getting trolled all the time by people checking roleplaying site schedules and having duels there. Unlike Champions Online, it doesn't even have no-duel zones. You can duel anywhere.The only thing that ESO still has going for it is slightly above sub par writing.ESO has gone in a Bold New Direction, the management at Zenimax Online Studios now wants that sweet, sweet WoW money. And we all know how well that worked out for Champions Online, Wildstar, Warhammer Online, et al, right?So don't bother with ESO and ignore the promises made about it. It used to be a casual game, not any more.

Review by garland_spqr [user]
25. März 2016

The game seems to have very good writing, voice acting. Story progression is interesting.However, there seems to be a lot of repetition inThe game seems to have very good writing, voice acting. Story progression is interesting.However, there seems to be a lot of repetition in the world design, many buildings and structures are obviously reused with very little difference. This makes wandering around and exploring far less interesting than it sould be for an rpg. Everything looks a bit the same, which makes the game get boring too quickly, especially since the areas are massive. Item collection is tedious and you always run out of bag space which is annoying. Combat is ok.

Review by Strangely [user]
20. Juli 2015

Genuinely, it is worth buying this game if you are a fan of the Elder Scrolls games. No subscription required is a big big bonus, it tips theGenuinely, it is worth buying this game if you are a fan of the Elder Scrolls games. No subscription required is a big big bonus, it tips the balance to buy it so much more. Ignore the lazy website reviewers, who likely based their reviews on the fact they have played the PC version to death. They have likely not thought of this as a whole new experience for console owners. As a stand alone game this is worthy of the elder scrolls canon, Including PvP into the mix with multiplayer dungeons and you have a very enjoyable experience to keep coming back to. Highly recommended.

Review by Push Square
14. Juli 2015

It doesn't have the flair or the polish of a heavyweight like Final Fantasy XIV Online: A Realm Reborn, but it's certainly worth trying if you're looking for seemingly never ending adventures on PS4 – with or without friends.

Review by Gaming Nexus
13. Juli 2015

Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited has addressed many of the issues that plagued the first title. There are still some issues with clipping, connections, and voice chat, but the game is still quite enjoyable with plenty of quests to complete and areas to explore. It isn't the perfect MMO by far, but at least it's one that won't cost you $15 a month and you can come back to it whenever you feel like exploring Tamriel.

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Veröffentlichungsdatum 4. April 2014
Herausgeber ZeniMax Online Studios, Bethesda Softworks
Inhalt bewertet M (Mature)
Spiel-Modi Einzelspieler, Multiplayer, Kooperativ, Massiv-Multiplayer-Online (MMO)
Spieler-Perspektiven Erste Person, Dritte Person
Genres Abenteuer, Rollenspiele (RPG)
Themen Aktion, Offene Welt, Fantasie
Plattformen PC (Microsoft Windows), Mac, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, Google Stadia