ShootMania Storm

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ShootMania Storm revolutioniert die Multiplayer-FPS, indem es eine Community-Dimension und unbegrenzte Wiederspielbarkeit hinzufügt. Entwickelt vom Nadeo-Studio, das für das Community-Rennspiel TrackMania bekannt ist, bietet ShootMania Storm rasante Matches und epische Schlachten, in denen nur dein Talent dich von der Masse abhebt. Allein oder im Team betrittst du die Arena deiner Wahl: Karten, Modi und Ranglisten - du kannst spielen, wie du willst, und dich an der ShootMania-Community beteiligen, wie es dir passt. Verdiene dir den Respekt deiner Gegner, indem du dein Ranking verbesserst, eSports-Wettbewerbe gewinnst oder deine eigenen unglaublichen Spielerlebnisse kreierst. Eine Gemeinschaft von FPS-Spielern erwartet dich im Herzen des ManiaPlanet-Netzwerks!

ShootMania Storm Schritte zur Aktivierung

ShootMania Storm Rezensionen und Bewertungen

Review by CD-Action
13. Mai 2013

Addictive, fast, balanced gameplay quickly induces the state of total focus which is the most important source of pleasure in ShootMania.

Review by
5. Mai 2013

At its core, Shootmania Storm is a competitive multiplayer shooter, but differs from its competitors via subtle twists. Outside of its gameplay it leaves many opportunities out cold though. The maps are boring, menu's unclear and the arsenal of weapons generic. Fortunately it leans on its followers and user generated content, which will hopefully fill these gaps.

Review by LHR_Redemption [user]
2. Mai 2013

I am just going to start out by saying that as soon as i heard about this game i was already hyped, now with that out of the way how did theI am just going to start out by saying that as soon as i heard about this game i was already hyped, now with that out of the way how did the game turn out. As soon as i started playing it, i was instantly brought back to Quake 3 and Unreal Tournament which resonated with me. It is fast paced action and twitch like reflexes are required especially against good players. We will see how much this game continues to catch on and maybe being in some new fans to fast paced shooting.

Review by Machinima
30. April 2013

It’s a fabulously designed game with an interface so antiquated that only the most dedicated and nostalgic shooter enthusiasts will stick with it. In the end, maybe that’s for the best. You don’t see a lot of trucker hat-wearing Natty Ice-drinkers in Go parlours either.

Review by Digital Spy
29. April 2013

It's too early to say whether ShootMania's custom maps will boost its staying power, but we're not sure if an inspired community can draw us back into the FPS.

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Veröffentlichungsdatum 10. April 2013
Herausgeber Nadeo, Ubisoft Entertainment
Spiel-Modi Multiplayer
Spieler-Perspektiven Erste Person
Genres Schütze
Themen Aktion
Plattformen PC (Microsoft Windows)