
Kennst du jemanden, dem dieses Spiel gefallen könnte?


Shadwen ist ein echtes Stealth-Spiel, bei dem die einzige Regel lautet, ungesehen zu bleiben. Bleib im Verborgenen - oder die skrupellosen Wachen werden dich sofort töten!

Shadwen, eine Attentäterin auf der Suche nach dem König, hat eine zufällige Begegnung mit einem kleinen Waisenmädchen namens Lily. Shadwen nimmt Lily mit auf ihre gefährliche Reise. Als sich die Wachen nähern, muss Shadwen direkt vor Lilys Augen handeln. Wird sie zulassen, dass das Kind Zeuge von Verbrechen und Mord wird, oder wird sie Lilys Unschuld schützen?

Töten oder nicht töten - das ist hier die Frage.

Shadwen Schritte zur Aktivierung

Shadwen Rezensionen und Bewertungen

Review by sweet [user]
13. Juni 2018

I loved the ideas behind Shadwen, on paper. Unfortunately in practice they don't work. The default pause state and rewind feature serves toI loved the ideas behind Shadwen, on paper. Unfortunately in practice they don't work. The default pause state and rewind feature serves to remove the tension that makes stealth games enjoyable, and it destroys world building narrative. I had thought the orphan would give strong motivation for a pacifist style of play, but the reality is it turns the game into one long tedious escort mission.The game doesn't work, even before we get to the broken mechanics. The AI is one of the worst I have ever experienced. The world and level design is absurd, with trees growing indoors, wooden platforms sprinkled around randomly. It feels extremely contrived and gamey. The crafting system is mostly pointless, existing only to justify looting. The limited abilities of your character is frustrating, everything is reliant on this absurd grappling hook on a bungee. You can jump around like spiderman but you can't simply throw an object.Credit to the developers for trying to do something original, but sadly it simply doesn't come together into an enjoyable game.

Review by Game World Navigator Magazine
7. Juli 2016

After the failure of Trine 3 Frozenbyte was in urgent need for a new hit but Shadwen with its clumsy flirtation with stealth and obsolete technologies clearly can’t claim the status.

Review by Pelit (Finland)
14. Juni 2016

I was sad when I saw other reviewers scores. I think Shadwen is a nice little game with stealth elements. You just have to play it Game of Thrones style: kill everything that is in your way, not everybody.

Review by ICXM
30. Mai 2016

Shadwen attempts to mesh the genres of stealth-action and puzzle games in order to create a unique experience in an original medieval world, but its time-control mechanics have little purpose other than to conceal the broken AI and the tedious gameplay.

Review by
25. Mai 2016

In theory Shadwen sounds interesting. But in reality this expedition into stealth-action from the makers of Trine suffers from problems within AI, controls and the general flow of the game.

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Veröffentlichungsdatum 17. Mai 2016
Herausgeber Frozenbyte
Inhalt bewertet M (Mature)
Spiel-Modi Einzelspieler
Spieler-Perspektiven Dritte Person
Genres Abenteuer, Plattform
Themen Aktion, Historisch, Stealth
Plattformen Linux, PC (Microsoft Windows), Mac, PlayStation 4