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Rendezvous is a 2.5D pixel art action-puzzle adventure game where you follow Setyo, an ex-agent living his quiet life only to find his sister, fraught with danger in the dystopian 2064's city of Neo-Surabaya.


It's a minute before midnight of 1st June 2064
Somehow it's not rainy, but colds still find their way into my spine
Feels so far from home, though here they still speak the same
Finding you is a must, for you are the only one left from our past

Rendezvous Schritte zur Aktivierung

Veröffentlichungsdatum N/A
Herausgeber Pendopo Studio, Hitcents
Genres Abenteuer, Indie, Puzzle
Themen Aktion, Science-Fiction, Geheimnisvoll