Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale

Kennst du jemanden, dem dieses Spiel gefallen könnte?


"Recettear ist ein Rollenspiel, das sich auf den Verkauf von Gegenständen konzentriert. Das bedeutet, dass sich das Hauptaugenmerk des Spiels auf den Betrieb deines Warenladens richtet. Du findest oder kaufst Gegenstände, verkaufst sie an die Stadtbewohner und verwaltest dein Geschäft mit dem Ziel, jede Woche eine Schuld zu tilgen. Das Spiel ist beendet, wenn die Schulden vollständig zurückgezahlt sind.

Die Geschichte

"Recettear ist die Geschichte eines Ladengeschäfts, des Mädchens, das darin lebt, und der Fee, die ihr Leben auf den Kopf gestellt hat. Recette Lemongrass ist verantwortlich für einen Laden, der in ihr Haus eingebaut wurde, um einen Kredit zurückzuzahlen, den ihr Vater aufgenommen und dann sausen lassen hat - und Tear, ihre neue Feen-"Begleiterin", akzeptiert kein Nein als Antwort! Als Recette musst du entscheiden, wie du dein Inventar beschaffst - entweder auf den Märkten der Stadt oder indem du mit einem Abenteurer-Freund in die Wildnis gehst und Tiere verprügelst, bis sie die Leckereien aufgeben -, für wie viel du die Dinge verkaufst, wie der Laden aussehen soll und wie du am besten an das Geld kommst, das Tear braucht, um den Kredit zurückzuzahlen. Wenn du das Geld nicht auftreiben kannst... dann hoffe ich, dass du gerne in einem Pappkarton lebst."

Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale Schritte zur Aktivierung

Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale Rezensionen und Bewertungen

Review by Dokkodo [user]
3. Juni 2014

There's only a handful of games in this specific genre and this is the one that does it best. I'd love to see the concept evolved but no oneThere's only a handful of games in this specific genre and this is the one that does it best. I'd love to see the concept evolved but no one has yet to step up to that challenge.It's a great shop sim and there's not many games that could compete. (Swords and Potions is about the only other thing on it's level.) The dungeon crawling is meh, but it's mehness is enhanced by your shop skills being the source of your power for it.

Review by Dokkodo [user]
3. Juni 2014

There's only a handful of games in this specific genre and this is the one that does it best. I'd love to see the concept evolved but no oneThere's only a handful of games in this specific genre and this is the one that does it best. I'd love to see the concept evolved but no one has yet to step up to that challenge.It's a great shop sim and there's not many games that could compete. (Swords and Potions is about the only other thing on it's level.) The dungeon crawling is meh, but it's mehness is enhanced by your shop skills being the source of your power for it.

Review by lolzernator [user]
7. März 2012

**Positives**: Very unique. If there's another game out there like this, I haven't heard of it. (+3)The market system works very well, you**Positives**: Very unique. If there's another game out there like this, I haven't heard of it. (+3)The market system works very well, you buy and sell for a little profit, slowly working your way up (+3)The game advances at a sensible pace, upgrading the list of items every few levels, so you're never without new items to make a profit on (+3).There are few buttons that need to be pressed, making it easy to pick up and play (+2).The characters are, for the most part, lovable (+2).The item design, prices, and most importantly, in-jokes that come with them, are top-notch (+2).Bosses are all well-designed, and almost all have a tactic beyond "slash and run", and area always a challenge, without being excruciating (+3).I'd love to go on, but it's getting too long already.**Neutral**: They've translated "mataku" (which usually means "geez" or a verbal *facepalm*) as "merde", which just doesn't feel right, but isn't bad enough to deduct points.**Negative**: Euria. A girl who always breaks your chain of gaining experience from selling items. Once "unlocked", she visits your store, selling goods to you at very inflated prices. This is a death knell if you encounter her early enough (-1). FUN FACT: Euria sounds like 'urea', the waste part of urine! Sounds pretty apt!Constantly levelling up in dungeons makes dungeoneering very easy for the first few levels, and very annoying in the later stages, where you are about to fight a boss, but want to level up first (to get full health). (-1).It can be said that the markets fluctuate TOO much, if you buy a somewhat expensive item at low price, and sell it when it's high price, you make a much higher profit than you should, making the game fairly easy if you're lucky enough. (-1).**TOTAL**: 18-3=15. Recettear is one of my all-time favourite games, and is perfect in almost every way, with some VERY minor exceptions. Worth the unusually high price tag, and MORE!

Review by lolzernator [user]
7. März 2012

**Positives**: Very unique. If there's another game out there like this, I haven't heard of it. (+3)The market system works very well, you**Positives**: Very unique. If there's another game out there like this, I haven't heard of it. (+3)The market system works very well, you buy and sell for a little profit, slowly working your way up (+3)The game advances at a sensible pace, upgrading the list of items every few levels, so you're never without new items to make a profit on (+3).There are few buttons that need to be pressed, making it easy to pick up and play (+2).The characters are, for the most part, lovable (+2).The item design, prices, and most importantly, in-jokes that come with them, are top-notch (+2).Bosses are all well-designed, and almost all have a tactic beyond "slash and run", and area always a challenge, without being excruciating (+3).I'd love to go on, but it's getting too long already.**Neutral**: They've translated "mataku" (which usually means "geez" or a verbal *facepalm*) as "merde", which just doesn't feel right, but isn't bad enough to deduct points.**Negative**: Euria. A girl who always breaks your chain of gaining experience from selling items. Once "unlocked", she visits your store, selling goods to you at very inflated prices. This is a death knell if you encounter her early enough (-1). FUN FACT: Euria sounds like 'urea', the waste part of urine! Sounds pretty apt!Constantly levelling up in dungeons makes dungeoneering very easy for the first few levels, and very annoying in the later stages, where you are about to fight a boss, but want to level up first (to get full health). (-1).It can be said that the markets fluctuate TOO much, if you buy a somewhat expensive item at low price, and sell it when it's high price, you make a much higher profit than you should, making the game fairly easy if you're lucky enough. (-1).**TOTAL**: 18-3=15. Recettear is one of my all-time favourite games, and is perfect in almost every way, with some VERY minor exceptions. Worth the unusually high price tag, and MORE!

Review by MercilessMonkey [user]
11. Februar 2012

I had no idea what to expect when I first got this game, other than that my friend told me it was about running a shop. That didn't exactlyI had no idea what to expect when I first got this game, other than that my friend told me it was about running a shop. That didn't exactly sell it high, but it was in a pack for $5 so I went for it. Much to my surprise, it was one of the most addicting games I've played. Quite literally I could not put it down, even after I had beaten it. Somehow it manages to get you caught up in the story with great dialogue and well executed gameplay. The only thing I didn't like was the dungeon feature, which seemed out of place in the game and wasn't up to the standard of everything else around it. However, it is entirely optional and easy to ignore with no consequences for doing so, so it isn't a problem at all. Fantastic game overall.

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Veröffentlichungsdatum 21. Dezember 2007
Herausgeber EasyGameStation, Carpe Fulgur LLC
Spiel-Modi Einzelspieler
Spieler-Perspektiven Vogelperspektive / Isometrisch, Text
Genres Rollenspiele (RPG), Indie, Simulator
Themen Aktion, Fantasie, Komödie, Business
Plattformen Linux, PC (Microsoft Windows)