Raw Data

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Raw Data ist ein Mehrspieler-First-Person-Kampfspiel, das für VR entwickelt wurde. Es bietet Ganzkörper-Gameplay mit einem Avatar im Spiel, interaktiven Waffen, dynamischer Verteidigung, knallharten Upgrades und Schwaden von herausfordernden Feinden. Als neuester Eingeweihter in den Elite-Rängen von Rikugun gehören deine Hacking-Fähigkeiten zu den besten. Du wurdest damit beauftragt, die Eden Corp. zu Fall zu bringen, einen riesigen Hersteller, der in einige sehr fragwürdige Geschäftspraktiken verwickelt ist. Zwischen Ihnen und einem Geobyte wertvoller Rohdaten der Eden Corp. stehen Wellen von zielstrebigen Kampfandroiden, die ständig darauf aus sind, den Konzern zu vernichten. Ihre Talente verschaffen Ihnen Zugang zum gesamten Katalog der hochmodernen Waffen und Verteidigungssysteme der Eden Corp. Starten Sie den Download - und überleben Sie.


Neo-Shinjuku - 2271. Die riesige und scheinbar wohlwollende Eden Corporation besitzt die Welt. Die Elite-Hacker-Widerstandsbewegung SyndiK8 hat die finstere Realität hinter der neuesten Roboter-Produktlinie der Eden Corporation aufgedeckt. Als einer der Top-Agenten von SyndiK8 ist Ihre Mission einfach: Infiltrieren Sie den Eden Tower, stehlen Sie ein Geobyte an Daten und kommen Sie lebendig wieder heraus - und stürzen Sie die Eden Corp in Ihrem Kielwasser.

Raw Data Schritte zur Aktivierung

Raw Data Rezensionen und Bewertungen

Review by RagingPoet [user]
20. Januar 2019

IMHO, the only thing that makes Raw Data a game worth playing is it's melee character - telecinetic cyborg-ninja that is basically just aIMHO, the only thing that makes Raw Data a game worth playing is it's melee character - telecinetic cyborg-ninja that is basically just a jedi. I'm still waiting for someone to do a full game around lightsaber swordplay and jedi powers and Raw Data is the closest thing I've found so far.The rest of the game is kinda mediocre - it is a lot like a Robo Recall but worse in every aspect.The missions are probably the weakest part - all campaign levels after the first one are basically the same: defend core against waves of enemies. It is not very exciting to defend something in an action game and especially annoying for solo melee character. Well, at least they are not an escort missions, I guess)

Review by GamingTrend
17. Oktober 2017

The team at Survios have done something few others have accomplished in the VR sphere - they’ve put out a whole game. It’s not a concept, it isn’t Early Access, and it’s not a half baked demo - Raw Data is a complete product featuring a single-player campaign, cooperative multiplayer, PVP, multiple classes, and more. While there are still a few bugs to iron out, Raw Data manages to elevate itself above the usual wave shooter fare.

Review by Gaming Age
11. Oktober 2017

Raw Data is hands down the best shooting experience to come to VR in its life so far. I loved the gameplay in the single player element and can’t get enough of the multiplayer. The inclusion of classes brings a new aspect to the genre and adds replayability, and as long as the developers keep up with new content for the multiplayer and the communities sticks with it this will be the VR game that everyone talks about when bringing up the pros of the technology.

Review by UploadVR
6. Oktober 2017

Despite first releasing all the way back in July 2016, Raw Data stands above the many, many wave shooters that have succeeded it, with lavish production values, plentiful play options and the stylish blockbuster action that many of us envisioned when first putting on a VR headset. That said, the game never shatters the ominous glass ceiling of this restrictive genre; it’s an absolute masterclass in what makes wave-based combat tick, but just as much a case study for its limitations. Not quite the ultimate VR experience, then, but a pretty good starting point.

Review by Attack of the Fanboy
5. Oktober 2017

Raw Data is like the final solid release of VR gaming's first wave, and the beginning of the second. It's gorgeous and features a large, expansive world, but it does still offer the same wave based shooter gameplay that has dominated the VR space. It does it much better than most of its competitors though, and the added touches of turrets, multiple weapons, and special abilities really bring it to a new level.

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Veröffentlichungsdatum 14. Juli 2016
Herausgeber Survios
Inhalt bewertet T (Teen)
Spiel-Modi Einzelspieler, Multiplayer, Kooperativ
Spieler-Perspektiven Erste Person, Virtuelle Realität
Genres Schütze, Indie, Strategie, Hack and Slash/Beat 'em up
Themen Aktion, Science-Fiction
Plattformen PC (Microsoft Windows), Oculus VR, SteamVR, PlayStation VR