Line Of Sight: Vietnam

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Line Of Sight: Vietnam Schritte zur Aktivierung

Line Of Sight: Vietnam Rezensionen und Bewertungen

Review by MafiaGuy [user]
1. November 2003

Unfortunately, LOS Vietnam is not as fun as Deadly Dozen Pacific Theatre - it's plainly sneaking around in the bushes just to snipe Unfortunately, LOS Vietnam is not as fun as Deadly Dozen Pacific Theatre - it's plainly sneaking around in the bushes just to snipe those VCs (better known as dirty cheaters).

Review by GameZone

Though the sound effects like gunfire, explosions, and footsteps were pretty elementary, the environmental effects like thunder and rain, together with the graphics had me wanting to pop up an umbrella or find a big leaf to hide under to get out of the rain.

Review by ActionTrip

Despite the fact that Vietnam's overall presentation, its price ($19.99 USD), and especially the marketing campaign (or the lack of thereof) surrounding the game may've indicated that this is just another value title by Infogrames, the quality of the gameplay, and Vietnam's intense in-game atmosphere painted a different picture.

Review by GameSpot

Though it's certainly not a bad game, Line of Sight: Vietnam isn't as ambitious as "Deadly Dozen: Pacific Theater," and its environments aren't as interesting.

Review by IGN

It's just not solid, well-rounded, or exciting enough to play through happily, nor does it have any single feature or group of features that are amazing enough to completely outshine the horrendous artificial intelligence and insipid combat.

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Veröffentlichungsdatum 4. März 2003
Herausgeber nFusion Interactive, Infrogrames
Inhalt bewertet M (Mature)
Spiel-Modi Einzelspieler, Multiplayer
Spieler-Perspektiven Erste Person
Genres Schütze
Themen Aktion, Historisch, Stealth
Plattformen PC (Microsoft Windows)