King's Guard TD

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Your Highness, our kingdom is at risk. We’re facing great danger! Not only villagers, but also maidens, warriors, mages, ravens, bats, eagles and dragons are trying to destroy our empire. Guard your throne and stop them now!
Use your tactical knowledge and skills to tip the scales of triumph in your favor in order to save the kingdom from the invaders. You are their last hope.

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King's Guard TD Rezensionen und Bewertungen

Review by Xbox_Alive [user]
September 12, 2018

The game can be enjoyable at times in local co-op and without a doubt this is the best way to play this game because playing solo can be aThe game can be enjoyable at times in local co-op and without a doubt this is the best way to play this game because playing solo can be a slog. I liked the presentation side of the game because for me the art style created a unique atmosphere that in a way made the game stand out a little. There is a decent amount of enemies present in the game and there is quite a lot of variety present within the enemies. The story left a lot to be desired and unfortunately it didn’t hold my interest long enough which meant I got bored quite quickly The combat can be fun at times there just isn’t enough depth to it so it gets tedious very quickly. I had a real problem with the game’s difficulty and for the most part I ended up becoming really frustrated due to its unfairness. The controls feel incredibly awkward a lot of the time and they do annoy you quite a lot. There’s just not enough variety present in the game and the gameplay suffers because of this.Does Moonfall Ultimate do enough to get a recommendation from me?All in all when a game releases into a very saturated genre and gets multiple things wrong then that said game stands out for all the wrong reasons even more, and that’s unfortunately the case when it comes to Moonfall Ultimate. This game is an RPG at its core and as far as RPG’s go this game is very disappointing to say the least and the things it does get right are quickly lost due to its shortcomings. These shortcomings are unfortunately not few and far between and in the end you get a game that has a boring story combined with a difficulty curve that’s very off-putting because it frustrates you that much. This then is bad enough but when you realise that certain aspects of the game lack in terms of depth and variety as well it makes recommending Moonfall Ultimate to you very difficult indeed. So my advice to you is to stay clear of this game because it just doesn’t cut the mustard when it comes to being a decent RPG

Veröffentlichungsdatum June 8, 2016
Inhalt bewertet T (Teen)
Spiel-Modi Einzelspieler
Genres Indie, Strategie
Plattformen PC (Microsoft Windows), Xbox One