Killing Floor 2

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Dans Killing Floor 2, les joueurs se retrouvent en Europe, où l'épidémie de Zed s'est rapidement propagée et a pris une ampleur irrésistible. Un mois seulement après la fin des événements du premier Killing Floor, les clones sont partout et la civilisation est en plein désarroi ; les gouvernements se sont effondrés et les forces militaires ont disparu.


Dans KILLING FLOOR 2, les joueurs se retrouvent en Europe continentale après que celle-ci ait été envahie par d'horribles clones meurtriers appelés Zeds, créés par la société Horzine. L'épidémie de Zed, causée par les expériences ratées d'Horzine Biotech, s'est rapidement propagée de manière imparable, paralysant l'Union européenne. Il y a seulement un mois, la première épidémie de Zed de l'original de KILLING FLOOR a ravagé Londres ; maintenant les clones des spécimens sont partout. La civilisation est en désarroi, les réseaux de communication ont échoué, les gouvernements se sont effondrés et les forces militaires ont été systématiquement éradiquées. Les habitants de l'Europe se concentrent désormais sur leur propre survie, les quelques chanceux qui ont survécu se cachant.

Mais tous n'ont pas perdu espoir ; un groupe hétéroclite de civils, de soldats et de mercenaires se sont regroupés pour combattre les épidémies à partir de bases financées par des fonds privés dans toute l'Europe. Lorsqu'une épidémie de clones de spécimens est détectée, les joueurs sont envoyés dans des zones chaudes chargées de Zed pour exterminer toutes les menaces par tous les moyens nécessaires.

Killing Floor 2 Schritte zur Aktivierung

Killing Floor 2 Rezensionen und Bewertungen

Review by Alex_Pilgrim008 [user]
5 juin 2022

Killing Floor 2 is a zombie horde shooter that should please Left 4 Dead fans. It may not include a campaign or numerous competitive modes,Killing Floor 2 is a zombie horde shooter that should please Left 4 Dead fans. It may not include a campaign or numerous competitive modes, but it does provide plenty of fast-paced fun. The main draw is a 6-player cooperative mode in which you must survive 4 to 10 waves of zombie hordes. Each match features an onslaught of various undead creatures and concludes with a boss fight. It can be a relentless battle to the end, so you're encouraged to stick with your teammates. But even if you die, you'll be resurrected if any remaining team members manage to finish the wave. Additionally, at the beginning of each new round, you'll have the option to purchase new weapons, armor or refill ammo."Killing Floor 2" also features different characters to choose from as well as "soldier" classes such as Sharpshooter, Medic and Commando. Each soldier type have their own individual skills and weapon sets. As you gain XP points by killing zombies, you'll level up. Every fifth level earned gives players a choice of selecting one of two different "perks"; special abilities that relate to each class. For example, level 5 of "Commando" gives you the option to either carry more ammo or reload faster. Like most modern shooters, KF 2 also features cosmetic customization. As you complete Survival matches, you'll earn colorful weapon skins, silly costumes, funny emotes and wacky accessories. Unfortunately, micro transactions are a thing in "Killing Floor 2". As specific earned crates can only be opened by purchasing a key.In addition to the main Survival matches, there is Versus which is simply a PVP version of Survival. Also, Weekly is a mode that alters the rules and challenges of a Survival match. Finally, the makers of "Killing Floor 2" constantly update it with limited time events for those who like to earn special rewards. Overall, this is a fun bloody game that offers plenty of challenges. It can get repetitive due to the lack of different game types and bosses, but fans of zombie horde games will get a kick out of it. I would give it an 8.2 out of 10.

Review by PeakZach [user]
12 juillet 2020

The game looks and plays well. The repeatability is a little bit of a miss. You see every possible enemy within a game and cover most bossesThe game looks and plays well. The repeatability is a little bit of a miss. You see every possible enemy within a game and cover most bosses in just an hour or so of playtime. However, the mechanics and gun dynamics are fantastic and keep you coming back for more.

Review by XxDarkLinkxX [user]
9 juillet 2020

German here. For an beginner this game is completely confusing for how to start a private game with a friend. After a half hour of searching IGerman here. For an beginner this game is completely confusing for how to start a private game with a friend. After a half hour of searching I don't get it. I randomly joined into a group of people. After the first wave the connection broke from dont know where and the game crashed. If I try to browse the lobby the game freezes and I have to delete the process in another desktop. So after a completely wasted hour I delete the game and never will get back to it. Wasted money.

Review by 2TOUCH [user]
26 juin 2020

only after 4 years, the game really dragged me on. 2016-17 version < 2020. A team game, a large selection of maps and modes, 10 perks (andonly after 4 years, the game really dragged me on. 2016-17 version < 2020. A team game, a large selection of maps and modes, 10 perks (and besides, everyone is unique in both the gameplay and the role in the game. And if in the beginning there were doubts about this, then after long hours in the game, they disappeared). In 2020 we get: a full-fledged product in which there is a lot of content. The model for supporting the game for the next time is very interesting, most likely 20-21 will be the last years of the "active life of the game". The best game in its genre. Looking forward to hearing from L4D3?

Review by Toru_okada [user]
26 juin 2018

This game was a huge surprise for me. For a 30 dollar game, with no story, free updates and very well made motion capture of the guns. BesidesThis game was a huge surprise for me. For a 30 dollar game, with no story, free updates and very well made motion capture of the guns. Besides zombies the games large focus its the guns. The unreal engine used here is awesome and addicting. Its what makes players wanting to play. Feels just very nice and satisfying. The game mixes elements between Fear and Left 4 dead. it gets fear right from the slow motion mechanic and even some maps. It feels like a improved left 4 dead to the point i dont think i can go back to play that game because switching back to outdated mechanics itll just make me want to play this instead. In l4d you dont feel the power of the weapons. In kf2 not only can you see but the kickback on the guns feels like you are doing a lot of real damage on zeds. As of now there are 21 maps and 15 characters. More updates and events are added to make the game a little long lasting. You do burnout if you play for too long. The music is amazing and always gets me and my girlfriend excited to play. There are a variety of zombies in different ways of handling them. You cant simply expect one type of gun to do damage. The game puts players to experiment what guns will they stick with and use. I became a survivalist because it is round balanced and had sticked to the mac 10, m4 shotgun and the m16 assult rifle/gernade launcher. So the gameplay is almost flawless for a zombie experience alone only. People are more bugged about the game not having some single player story. You basically make it your own. With so much happening in the game with 100 zombies and a lot of blood that doesnt disappear throughout the entire game and developers adding a cool gore system the fps stays at 60 regardless. If you shoot a zombie in the head a piece of it comes off weakining it but still walks until more pieces of it come off and it dies. Its fun shooting stalkers in the face and watching that groovy motion capture of a headless stalker trying to get at you which looks pretty realstic in the way she moves around headless. Since the game was developed by such a small team (less than 10) we need to give it the credit it deserves. This cant compare to the zombies of cod its more fast pace/gorey/intense. The only downside is playing it too much. You may want to stop once in a while before the game just becomes the same and the same like any other game. But because it us addicting it is one of those games you may sit and play for hours. Solo is fun and co op is fun too. Endless is my favorite. Made ut to 26 waves on my own. Uts simply a fun brainless shooter. Something we all need in our library at least one game. Kf2 is one of the few rare picks. If you liked cod for its zombies you should abandon that and get on something that is more challenging like this.Pros: Cool unreal engine, blood splatter that doesnt disappear, motion capture of guns and some enemies, free updates, frame never drops even when a lot is happening, very reminiscent to Fear and Left 4 dead, 30 dollar release, tons of weaponsCons: Playing a little too much will cause you to grow out of it in a matter of weeks.

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Veröffentlichungsdatum 21 avril 2015
Herausgeber Tripwire Interactive, Deep Silver, Iceberg Interactive
Inhalt bewertet M (Mature)
Spiel-Modi Einzelspieler, Multiplayer, Kooperativ
Spieler-Perspektiven Erste Person
Genres Schütze
Themen Aktion, Horror, Überleben, Science-Fiction
Plattformen PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 4, Xbox One