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Keine Federung, kein Abtrieb, keine Sicherheitsgurte - das ist echtes Kartrennen. Schärfe dein Rennhandwerk, während 30 andere Fahrer versuchen, an dir vorbeizukommen und die Zielflagge zu klauen.

KartKraft Schritte zur Aktivierung

KartKraft Rezensionen und Bewertungen

Review by Hardcore Gamer
8. Februar 2022

While it seems to do an excellent job as a racing simulation for purely go-karts, it lacks in the video game department. This is almost better as a tool for those that do actual karting at these tracks with these actual karts rather than calling this a game. KartKraft works best if you’re trying to hone your racing kraft rather than attempting to be in a virtual competitive space. What makes the gaming aspect of this release worse is that it retails for $39.99, and there just isn’t a lot here to justify that price. While modding may be available, it remains to be seen if there will be enough of an audience to crank out additions, because that also tends to show that Motorsport Games may not being doing too much with the title going forward. The current roadmap for the game shows wet weather and rental cars are coming, but there’s no date for these updates.

Veröffentlichungsdatum 1. November 2018
Herausgeber Black Delta
Spiel-Modi Einzelspieler, Multiplayer
Spieler-Perspektiven Erste Person, Virtuelle Realität
Genres Indie, Simulator, Sport, Rennsport
Themen Aktion
Plattformen PC (Microsoft Windows)