
Graviteam Tactics: Operation Star ist eine Fortsetzung von Achtung Panzer: Kharkov 1943. Es ist ein Ostfront-Kriegsspiel mit solider Grafik und weitläufigen Schlachtfeldern, das den Umfang der Panzerschlacht des Zweiten Weltkriegs wirklich unterstreicht.

Möchten Sie in die Rolle eines Kommandanten im Herzen der Verteidigung von Charkow schlüpfen? Sie haben alles, was die Offiziere damals hatten: Panzer, Geschütze und furchtlose Soldaten. Der Erfolg der gegnerischen Streitkräfte steht jeden Tag auf dem Spiel. Ihre Entscheidungen werden darüber entscheiden, wer die Schlacht von Charkow gewinnt.

Graviteam Tactics: Operation Star Schritte zur Aktivierung

Graviteam Tactics: Operation Star Rezensionen und Bewertungen

Review by Ragamuffins [user]
22. März 2016

This is a fantastic title for hardcore wargamers, with all the typical hardcore wargame issues: high learning curve, sometimes difficultThis is a fantastic title for hardcore wargamers, with all the typical hardcore wargame issues: high learning curve, sometimes difficult interface, complexity that defies adequate tutorials, etc.However, if you learn to play this game, you'll find a very devoted, historically and geographically accurate game with battles and campaigns that never play the same way twice.There are lots of great sales on Steam that let you pick up this game and its many DLCs for very reasonable prices.Try it if you love the complexity of a true wargame!

Review by BruceWayne [user]
17. März 2016

This iteration of Achtung Panzer has way better operational phase than Kharkov and updated tactical phase. Campaigns are hard and demanding.This iteration of Achtung Panzer has way better operational phase than Kharkov and updated tactical phase. Campaigns are hard and demanding. Truly a choice for every self respecting wargamer.

Review by HaZZarD88 [user]
8. Juni 2015

Graviteam Tactics comes closer than any other game I have yet played to representing the complex situational challenges of the WW2Graviteam Tactics comes closer than any other game I have yet played to representing the complex situational challenges of the WW2 battlefield. It is a superb game, limited only by a clunky interface and weak marketing, that every serious war gamer should definitely have in his or her stable.Graviteam has clearly been designed by a team with a deep understanding of military tactics and a passion for realism and historical accuracy. I can't praise the game highly enough and I can only say to those of you who have not yet purchased it, or who gave up on Graviteam because the interface had you baffled, that you are missing out on the opportunity to experience and contribute to the finest WW2 simulation ever made.

Veröffentlichungsdatum 3. November 2011
Herausgeber Strategy First, Graviteam
Spiel-Modi Einzelspieler
Genres Strategie
Plattformen PC (Microsoft Windows)