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Goliath Schritte zur Aktivierung

Goliath Rezensionen und Bewertungen

Review by Cateye10 [user]

Goliath è un buon titolo, non ottimo e sicuramente non originalissimo. In esso si trova l'ispirazione dei survival game come Don't Starve, maGoliath è un buon titolo, non ottimo e sicuramente non originalissimo. In esso si trova l'ispirazione dei survival game come Don't Starve, ma l'introduzione dei Mech e di un sistema di crafting complesso ma non troppo incasinato, che sarà sicuramente amato anche dai meno esperti del genere, lo rendono un titolo godibilissimo.

Review by CD-Action

There’s plenty of better action RPGs out there and if you lean towards survival gameplay, pick up Don’t Starve. In its current form Goliath is simply not good enough to win the battle for you free time.

Review by PeregrineOmega [user]

tldr;While in need of some polish, a well concerted effort from a small, indie dev who are clearly trying to shoot for the moon.Thetldr;While in need of some polish, a well concerted effort from a small, indie dev who are clearly trying to shoot for the moon.The long review:Where the game falls short: audio.Mechs don't sound heavy. Not enough thunks, and booms. The rest of the audio is a bit more than atmospheric, and while not terrible, doesn't add much either.Where the game succeeds: Core mechanic.A fun crafting system that doesn't feel like work. A nice balance of action and exploration where mechs are a tool and not a means for unending material grind.Combat system could use a little work in terms of creating "impact" which you hit an enemy... but this also isn't a fighting game. It plays a lot more like an isometric ARPG, which isn't a bad thing.Finally, the dev team is EXTREMELY responsive on the forums. They are currently answering every single question and concern that pops up, which shows a lot of promise for future development. I have confidence that Whalebox will continue to shape this game into a well polished gem.All in all, it's hard not to recommend this title, despite its flaws. It has so much ambition and heart, I can forgive its early fuzzies. If you like the concept of this game at all, I'd say it's worth showing your support.

Review by Brash Games

The game is compact and fun for the most part but I would have like to have seen a bit more focus on story and better controls. I would certainly recommend this game if you like survival games like Don’t Starve or a game that looks beautiful with an interesting world to explore.

Review by Hardcore Gamer

At the very least, Goliath is a valiant effort in adapting a series of unique mech battles into a more fantasy-themed action RPG. If it weren’t for a few poor issues with the story and some kinks in some of the gameplay elements, this could have had a chance at bring one of the classics in the genre.

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Veröffentlichungsdatum 2016年5月12日
Herausgeber Octopus Tree, Whalebox Studio
Inhalt bewertet E10+ (Everyone 10+)
Spiel-Modi Einzelspieler
Spieler-Perspektiven Vogelperspektive / Isometrisch
Genres Abenteuer, Rollenspiele (RPG), Indie, Kämpfen
Themen Aktion, Science-Fiction
Plattformen PC (Microsoft Windows), Xbox One