
Diese Sonderausgabe des Spiels enthält alle bisher veröffentlichten herunterladbaren Inhalte sowie neue Gebiete, die es zu erkunden und Quests zu bewältigen gilt.


FINAL FANTASY XV ROYAL EDITION bringt das gefeierte Rollenspiel zu neuen Höhen, vollgepackt mit Zusatzinhalten und neuen Features. Schließen Sie sich Prinz Noctis und seinen engsten Freunden an, wenn sie gegen das Imperium kämpfen, um ihr gefallenes Königreich zurückzuerobern.
- Ein völlig neuer Dungeon - Insomnia City Ruins: Erweitertes Gebiet
- Neue Features wie der First-Person-Modus, neue Ausrüstung und neue Bosse.
- Alle Inhalte des Season Pass - Episode Gladiolus, Episode Prompto, Multiplayer-Erweiterung: Kameraden, und Episode Ignis.
- Armiger Unleashed - nachdem Sie alle 13 königlichen Waffen gesammelt haben, wird ein mehr actionorientierter Modus des Armigers freigeschaltet
- Royal Vessel - das Boot aus FFXV ist jetzt ein steuerbares Fahrzeug. Das gleiche Gewässer (zwischen Kap Caem und Altissia) kann nun frei erkundet werden.
- Mehr als ein Dutzend DLC-Teile, darunter Waffen, Regalia-Fahrzeugskins und Gegenstandssets.
- Das von der Kritik hochgelobte Spiel - FINAL FANTASY XV

Final Fantasy XV: Royal Edition Schritte zur Aktivierung

Final Fantasy XV: Royal Edition Rezensionen und Bewertungen

Review by uzuty [user]
28. September 2021

Simply gorgeous game.Wonderful and exceptionally rich.Beautiful gameplay, a unique and original story, and a beautiful world to beSimply gorgeous game.Wonderful and exceptionally rich.Beautiful gameplay, a unique and original story, and a beautiful world to be explored.Probably the best jrpg action game I've ever played.Absolutely recommended

Review by Kurigu [user]
9. September 2021

RecommendedSimply recommended this FFXV, especially if you like rich games, with an open world that is beautiful to look at and beautiful toRecommendedSimply recommended this FFXV, especially if you like rich games, with an open world that is beautiful to look at and beautiful to explore.{and even if you like epic Lores like those of classic Final Fantasy games}With lots of wonderful unique and absolutely creative dungeons to explore and sometimes even surprising.Fun gameplay, beautiful storyline, charismatic and excellently crafted characters. My favorites are Ignis and Ardyn.For all these reasons and more, such as the incredible OST and the spectacular graphics of the Summons, I can only recommend this spectacular game.

Review by Hadexom [user]
26. März 2021

When I've reached the ending credits of the game, I've started to cry. The best ending I've ever seen in a game.Because I'm starting to feelWhen I've reached the ending credits of the game, I've started to cry. The best ending I've ever seen in a game.Because I'm starting to feel really connected to Noctis and his friends during the whole journey.A beautiful and memorable journey, full of epic fights, majestic moments and wonderful exploration.With a 10/10 OST and a 10/10 masterpiece experience to live for a true gamer

Review by Daniel0809 [user]
7. März 2021

This is my 2nd final fantasy game, FF7 remake was first, but this game is really fun and soundtrack is awesome. The menu takes time to getThis is my 2nd final fantasy game, FF7 remake was first, but this game is really fun and soundtrack is awesome. The menu takes time to get used to but its worthwhile once you learn the controls and all the elements and weapons, etc. I downloaded this game for free on Playstation + and its absolutely worth it. Not my favorite final fantasy game though.

Review by Karrig [user]
6. Dezember 2020

This game deserves more recognition. I found combat, story and design pretty good, enjoyed my gameplay so far, specially some of the DLC. IThis game deserves more recognition. I found combat, story and design pretty good, enjoyed my gameplay so far, specially some of the DLC. I wish they would have make the game longer, you can feel the rush to finish it at a certain moment, and it's a pity.

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Veröffentlichungsdatum 6. März 2018
Herausgeber Square Enix
Inhalt bewertet T (Teen)
Spiel-Modi Einzelspieler, Multiplayer, Kooperativ
Spieler-Perspektiven Dritte Person
Genres Abenteuer, Rollenspiele (RPG), Kämpfen
Themen Aktion, Überleben, Science-Fiction, Offene Welt, Fantasie, Sandkasten
Plattformen PlayStation 4, Xbox One