
Nehmen Sie an einem epischen und sich ständig verändernden FINAL FANTASY teil, während Sie mit Freunden aus der ganzen Welt Abenteuer erleben und erkunden. FINAL FANTASY XIV ONLINE ist die Neuauflage des Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (MMORPG) aus dem Jahr 2013, das das wunderbare Erbe von FINAL FANTASY aufgreift und erweitert und Ihnen die Möglichkeit gibt, das Reich Eorzea wie nie zuvor in einem FINAL FANTASY-Spiel zu erkunden.

Schließen Sie Freundschaften, besteigen Sie Chocobos und gehen Sie an Bord von Luftschiffen, während Sie und Ihre Gefährten Ihre eigenen einzigartigen Geschichten in Eorzea erschaffen. Erlebe allein oder gemeinsam mit Freunden epische Abenteuer, kämpfe gegen bekannte FINAL FANTASY-Monster und erwerbe einzigartige Fähigkeiten und Ausrüstung.

Alle klassischen Elemente der Serie, die Sie kennen und lieben gelernt haben, warten auf Sie! Begib dich auf das Abenteuer deines Lebens und hilf mit, das Schicksal von Eorzea neu zu schmieden!


Eorzea. Ein Land, das von Göttern umarmt und von Helden geschmiedet wurde.

In dem Bestreben, die Kontrolle über dieses Reich und seine reichhaltigen Kristallressourcen zu erlangen, schickt das Garleanische Reich ein gewaltiges Heer auf einen Feldzug, um seinen südlichen Nachbarn zu erobern. Von Wahnsinn getrieben, plant der Anführer der Invasionstruppen in aller Stille, den Mond vom Himmel zu reißen und ihn auf das Land herabzuschleudern. Das Volk des Reiches erfährt bald von diesem üblen Plan und vereint seine Hände im Gebet, um in letzter Minute die Hilfe der Götter zu erflehen, doch ihre Bemühungen scheitern. Aus dem Inneren des Mondes entsteigt Bahamut, ein uralter Schrecken, dessen Wut durch unzählige Generationen der Gefangenschaft geschürt wird. Ein mächtiger Magus, der den Sog des Schicksals spürt, kanalisiert seine letzten Kräfte, um die Helden von Eorzea in einen zeitlichen Spalt zu schicken. Dort warten sie, unberührt von den Flammen der Zerstörung, bis sie wieder gebraucht werden. Diese Helden seid ihr, und die Stunde des Erwachens ist gekommen. Kommt und werdet Zeuge der Wiedergeburt eines Reiches.

Final Fantasy XIV Online Schritte zur Aktivierung

Final Fantasy XIV Online Rezensionen und Bewertungen

Review by neopolx [user]
15. Juli 2016

Its a fun game with jobs and different options for the characters. it starts slow but you will access to more and more functions leveling upIts a fun game with jobs and different options for the characters. it starts slow but you will access to more and more functions leveling up your character, like sell on the market and better items and stuffs.This game is great and the expansions are the best.Fully recommended.

Review by LEVEL (Czech Republic)
15. Januar 2011

MMORPG with great potential is sunken by fatal bugs and errors – first comes a catastrophic interface followed by the absence of player-to-player communication.

Review by PALGN
19. Dezember 2010

With some obvious flaws that render the game difficult to play at best, Final Fantasy XIV will benefit from some updates in the near future. It's not bad by any means, but it's tough to recommend until the glaring issues have been dealt with.

Review by Jojocool [user]
26. November 2010

I wanted to wait until the first main update of FFXIV before I sent in a review of the game. With all MMO's just starting out, there are manyI wanted to wait until the first main update of FFXIV before I sent in a review of the game. With all MMO's just starting out, there are many issues and "bugs" to fix and I wanted to give FFXIV time to do that. I have been playing FFXIV since the CE edition and I can truly say that FFXIV did an AMAZING job in the November 25 Update. Anyone reading reviews would always hear about how bad the UI was, right? Well, it is ALOT better now! I can not put into words how much better the game-play is now in FFXIV since that update. So if you got frustrated and quit the game, which quite a few people did, give it another try. I think you'll be glad you did. And if you haven't played FFXIV yet, now is the time to do so. FFXIV offers many things I personally have never seen in a MMO (and I've played a few). I'll name a few that I really enjoy:1.) The job system. In MMO's that I've played you can choose between different DoW (Disciples of War) or DoM (Disciples of Magic) jobs. You might be able to craft or something (like FFXI and WoW) but it wasn't really a class of its own that you could choose. There is so much more to crafting in FFXIV. Not to mention the DoL jobs (Disciples of the Land). Which include Fisherman, Botanist, and Miner. I am a bit surprised at the amount of people in the game that prefer DoL and Crafting jobs in lieu of the standard DoM (Disciples of Magic) or DoW (Disciples of War) classes. I personally prefer the DoM and DoW classes but thats one of the things I really like about FFXIV....there's something for everyone!With that being said I also would like to mention the fact that you can rank up jobs and can use most of the abilties, spells, etc. you learned from that particular job on a different job. Lets say I learn "Cure II" and "Stoneskin" from CON, "Provoke" from GLA, and "Second Wind" on PGL but then I want to play as an Archer....I can *equip* all of those abilities and spells and use them on Archer also! If you love playing a certain job but you also want a great ability from a couple of other jobs, then rank up those other jobs for that specific ability and then go back to playing your favorite job.2.) LEVES: -These "cards" you get from the adventurers guild are pretty fun and a way to get some extra gil and some pretty good items. It also lets you fight mobs that you may not have even seen yet i.e. imps. And with "Guardian Aspect", it's a good chance to get some really good Rank Points in a short amount of time. And on the Craft Leves, nothing beats not having to use up your items/shards and still be able to get Rank Points for your choice of craft. Not to mention the â

Review by Lusterredux [user]
6. November 2010

I wanted to love XIV, I really did. I bought this game knowing there was a huge chance it would be hard to get into and a major timesink likeI wanted to love XIV, I really did. I bought this game knowing there was a huge chance it would be hard to get into and a major timesink like FFXI was. In fact, I WANTED that. I played FFXI for over 4 years and those years were the highlight of my gaming history. But what I got instead was some terrible trainwreck of a game that falls short of any expectations one could possibly have. Bogged down by menus for the sake of menus, leveling that somehow manages to suck the life out of you, LACK OF AN AH, subsequent failure of the bazaar system, the list goes on.I almost want to rant for this game wasting my time. Why is it 100x worse than it's predecessor? Why weren't the flaws and annoyances worked out during the beta (which I took part in)? Why, why, why? I feel like I should take SE to court for defacing the Final Fantasy series and MMORPGs as a whole (though their projected profits next quarter should be punishment enough).Oh, and the 2/10 is SOLELY because FFXIV is nothing short of graphically amazing. All looks and no substance.

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Veröffentlichungsdatum 27. August 2013
Herausgeber Square Enix, Square Enix Product Development Division 3
Gesamtwertung 83%
Inhalt bewertet T (Teen)
Spiel-Modi Einzelspieler, Multiplayer, Kooperativ, Massiv-Multiplayer-Online (MMO)
Spieler-Perspektiven Dritte Person
Genres Abenteuer, Rollenspiele (RPG), Strategie
Themen Fantasie, Offene Welt
Plattformen PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S