Far Cry New Dawn

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Tauchen Sie ein in ein verändertes, lebendiges, postapokalyptisches Hope County, Montana, 17 Jahre nach einer globalen Nuklearkatastrophe. Führen Sie den Kampf gegen die Highwaymen, die versuchen, die letzten verbliebenen Ressourcen zu erobern.

Die Handlung

Siebzehn Jahre nach einem nuklearen Weltuntergang hat sich Hope County, Montana, auf unerwartete Weise verändert. Der nukleare Winter ist einer "Superblüte" gewichen, die eine üppige, farbenfrohe Landschaft geschaffen hat, die von den Überlebenden mit behelfsmäßigen Gebäuden neu besiedelt wird. Es ist ein gesetzloses Grenzland, in dem die Menschen ums Überleben kämpfen - und Sie können das alles mit einem Freund im Koop-Modus oder allein als Revolverheld erleben.

Far Cry New Dawn Schritte zur Aktivierung

Far Cry New Dawn Rezensionen und Bewertungen

Review by Nagykutya [user]
27. März 2021

I don’t understand why people are hating on this game. Because the map was reused? So what? This game is better than Farcry 5 was. It’s harderI don’t understand why people are hating on this game. Because the map was reused? So what? This game is better than Farcry 5 was. It’s harder to begin with,packed with rpg elements. Crafting is far superior than any of the previous games. Treasure hunts are awesome,driving feels much better. There are legendary guns,legendary animals,the enemy has ranks with much more defined health bars so you know what kind of damage your guns do on different rank enemies. Music is awesome,really gets you in the mood. Again,far superior to Farcry 5. Looting system is also more thought out since you need materials to craft weapons so you will go into buildings to discover because it will be worth it to find a gear for your next shotgun etc.. im playing on hard-ass mode and purposely didn’t get the binocular perk to make the game more challenging. Played about 6 hours without ever touching a story mission. Bottom line is,this game is the best in the series since Farcry 3. I guess people just looking for stuff to complain about these days. Already complaining about Farcry 6 before its even released because they can i guess..

Review by Lukew12 [user]
20. Juli 2020

After playing just after Far Cry 5, this immediacy felt like a downgrade. The world feels flat and less alive than 5 whilst also lookingAfter playing just after Far Cry 5, this immediacy felt like a downgrade. The world feels flat and less alive than 5 whilst also looking considerably less attractive. Whilst the new weapon ranking system wasn’t too bad and added an extra bit of depth to the gameplay, you could also say that it took some of the skill out of the game as you are generally only as good as your gun.

Review by Helen_Butte [user]
2. November 2019

Ehh Far Cry series is getting worse and worse. Pink apocalypse that doesnt make much sense. And a copy of gameplay fron previouse ones. Meh.

Review by d25bev [user]
9. September 2019

Pretty terrible. Short story. Annoying & uninteresting characters. Reused assets galore, poorly implemented. Shallow RPG elements. SmallPretty terrible. Short story. Annoying & uninteresting characters. Reused assets galore, poorly implemented. Shallow RPG elements. Small reused map & locations. Microtransactions. Terrible AI. Stale graphics engine & movement system that's not evolved in 5-6yrs.This game is nothing but a cash-grab pure & simple. A game nobody asked for.

Review by ClarenceCS [user]
9. April 2019

My first FarCry game was Farcry 5 and I loved it me and my friend grinded it over and over and over again but I was very disappointed i spentMy first FarCry game was Farcry 5 and I loved it me and my friend grinded it over and over and over again but I was very disappointed i spent 60$ on this game to finish it in 8.5 hours i bought the most expensive edition for nothing i didn't even realise i had finished the game when i only realised i was finished the game when I got to the final mission I am very disappointed and I hope they expand the game with DLC and more

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Veröffentlichungsdatum 15. Februar 2019
Herausgeber Ubisoft Montreal, Ubisoft Entertainment
Inhalt bewertet M (Mature)
Spiel-Modi Einzelspieler, Multiplayer, Kooperativ
Spieler-Perspektiven Erste Person
Genres Abenteuer, Schütze
Themen Aktion, Offene Welt
Plattformen PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Google Stadia