
Kennst du jemanden, dem dieses Spiel gefallen könnte?


Sie bauen Rohstoffe ab, erforschen Technologien, errichten Infrastrukturen, automatisieren die Produktion und bekämpfen Feinde. Nutzen Sie Ihre Vorstellungskraft, um Ihre Fabrik zu entwerfen, einfache Elemente zu genialen Strukturen zu kombinieren, Managementfähigkeiten anzuwenden, um sie am Laufen zu halten und sie schließlich vor den Kreaturen zu schützen, die Sie nicht wirklich mögen.

Die Handlung

Du wirst auf einen anderen Planeten geschickt, um ihn auf die Ankunft deiner Zivilisation vorzubereiten, aber bevor sie landen kann, musst du dafür sorgen, dass er sicher ist.

Factorio Schritte zur Aktivierung

Factorio Rezensionen und Bewertungen

Review by skahtml [user]
11. März 2022

4 of 10 because the developers thinks - they is a politic. They made update of the Factorio , so when i want to play game i need to click4 of 10 because the developers thinks - they is a politic. They made update of the Factorio , so when i want to play game i need to click checkbox that i didnt support war in Ukraine , etc. What is that?? Please remove your game from the stores i want a play. When i need your opinion i will say ok?Also last updates are thresh

Review by GameStar
23. November 2021

Exciting construction and management sim with great gameplay flow. Itdoes require a lot of imagination and thought. Caution: addictive!

Review by Games.cz
23. März 2021

This is a jewel. An unbelievably clever, thought-out, detailed, balanced, fun, brilliantly designed masterpiece that really doesn’t have any drawbacks at all. If you like to build and optimize, you simply have to play Factorio.

Review by IGN
13. Januar 2021

Factorio is dauntingly complex, but offers almost endlessly enjoyable depth for optimizers and survival fans if you take the time to learn its systems.

Review by jyf15 [user]
3. Dezember 2020

A masterpiece and a genre-defining (simulation & management) sandbox game; its defining power compares to SimCity. Every aspect is well knitted together and couldn't be better. Many other games can only achieve part of what Factorio does. Factorio has every object computed all the time, offering maximum customization and reality, realizes this in an addiction-inducing way, and does this with minimal PC requirements. The mod community is active and features many tweaks and some great overhauls. But Factorio does not please the player with numbers and beautiful animations, but asks the player to surpass herself, forever. The game itself offers hundreds of hours of gameplay, and with mods one can play thousands of hours. I'm happy to see if there'll be a game better than this one in the coming decade.

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Veröffentlichungsdatum 25. Februar 2016
Herausgeber Wube Software
Gesamtwertung 85%
Inhalt bewertet T (Teen)
Spiel-Modi Einzelspieler, Multiplayer, Kooperativ
Spieler-Perspektiven Vogelperspektive / Isometrisch
Genres Indie, Simulator, Strategie
Themen Überleben, Science-Fiction, Sandkasten
Plattformen Linux, PC (Microsoft Windows), Mac, Nintendo Switch