
Kennst du jemanden, dem dieses Spiel gefallen könnte?


Dorfromantik ist ein friedliches Aufbaustrategie- und Puzzlespiel, bei dem du durch das Platzieren von Spielsteinen eine schöne und ständig wachsende Dorflandschaft erschaffst. Erforsche eine Vielzahl von farbenfrohen Biomen, entdecke und schalte neue Spielsteine frei und erfülle Quests, um deine Welt mit Leben zu füllen!

Die Geschichte

Mit Dorfromantik kannst du jederzeit in eine ruhige, friedliche Welt eintauchen und eine Auszeit vom Alltag nehmen. Gleichzeitig bietet Dorfromantik aber auch eine Herausforderung für alle, die eine solche suchen: Um den Highscore zu knacken, müssen Sie Ihre Spielsteine sorgfältig planen und strategisch platzieren.

Dorfromantik Schritte zur Aktivierung

Dorfromantik Rezensionen und Bewertungen

Review by PLAY! Zine
13. Juli 2022

Dorfromantik is a gorgeous indie gem that presents its player with the tranquility of building a romantic German village. It is a truly relaxing experience, where its simplicity truly shines. Chasing that high score with its tile placement gameplay can be utter fun, even though it may not be for everyone, it is truly a masterful experience that presents much needed respite in these times.

Review by timmykimmel [user]
12. Juli 2022

I purchased 'Dorfromantik' quite blindly based on the visual impressions and the reviews from the early access. Sure - it is without questionI purchased 'Dorfromantik' quite blindly based on the visual impressions and the reviews from the early access. Sure - it is without question an eye-catcher. And the fact that you don't need 5 minutes to find your way around the game can undoubtedly be seen as a barrier-free advantage. Only then nothing more comes.As a friend of strategy games like 'Risk' and 'Carcassonne', one tingles in the fingers to explore and try out new strategies - which simply do not exist here. Move all tile types as far away from each other as possible and hope that Fortuna will help you with the order. That's it and... nothing else?In addition, it is not playable via touchscreen, which is an unusual disadvantage in board and tile games, which affects a few, but in view of Steam Deck, Surface & Co. an increasing number of players.

Review by IGN Japan
4. Juli 2022

Dorfromantik is a relaxing game that welcomes the player to a rural landscape. At the same time, it is an experience that allows the player to enjoy the fun and challenge of aiming for a high score as well. That means that the game can be enjoyed both as a relaxing break and as a serious undertaking, but never as something in between.

Review by Vulpi [user]
16. Juni 2022

A pleasant, relaxing game, that is sometimes incredibly frustrating. In most games this would be inexcusable, but often times the frustrationA pleasant, relaxing game, that is sometimes incredibly frustrating. In most games this would be inexcusable, but often times the frustration is the result of my own mistakes building up, and occasionally a bit of bad luck, rather than poor game design or clunky mechanics.I hope this game continues to get updates and content post-release.

Review by GAMES.CH
16. Mai 2022

A peaceful, minimalistic, and calming puzzle game that stands as something truly unique in the city-builder genre. You cannot fail, there’s no pressure - just enjoyment for those who want to switch off and forget about the outside world for 15 blessed minutes.

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Veröffentlichungsdatum 25. März 2021
Herausgeber Toukana Interactive
Inhalt bewertet E (Everyone)
Spiel-Modi Einzelspieler
Spieler-Perspektiven Vogelperspektive / Isometrisch
Genres Indie, Simulator, Strategie, Puzzle, Rundenbasierte Strategie (TBS), Karten- und Brettspiel
Themen Sandkasten, Sachbücher
Plattformen PC (Microsoft Windows), Nintendo Switch