Battlefield 1

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Entdecken Sie das klassische Battlefield-Gameplay mit epischem Multiplayer und einer abenteuerlichen Kampagne. Erleben Sie die Morgendämmerung des totalen Krieges, nur in Battlefield 1.

Kämpfen Sie sich durch epische Schlachten, die von engen Stadtkämpfen in einer belagerten französischen Stadt bis hin zu großen Freiflächen in den italienischen Alpen oder rasanten Gefechten in den arabischen Sanddünen reichen. Erleben Sie groß angelegte Schlachten als Infanterist oder Pilot von Fahrzeugen zu Lande, zu Wasser und in der Luft, von Panzern und Motorrädern am Boden bis hin zu Doppelflugzeugen und gigantischen Schlachtschiffen.

Entdecken Sie in einer abenteuerlichen Kampagne eine neue Welt im Krieg, oder nehmen Sie an epischen Mehrspielerschlachten mit bis zu 64 Spielern teil. Passen Sie Ihre Taktik und Strategie an die weltbewegenden, dynamischen Umgebungen und die Zerstörung an.

Battlefield 1 Schritte zur Aktivierung

Battlefield 1 Rezensionen und Bewertungen

Review by Psendo [user]
July 12, 2022

One of my favourite games of all time, with regard to the superb gunplay, gun and soldier feel, and map design. Love this game, rebought it onOne of my favourite games of all time, with regard to the superb gunplay, gun and soldier feel, and map design. Love this game, rebought it on PC recently in 2022 - servers are still full of people and its easy to find a game - and am SO glad I did buy this again! If in doubt, 2022 is a brilliant time to buy this on PC. If you have not played many games, this feels a lot like battlefield V, which I also enjoy massively. Highly recommended.

Review by FidelGastro [user]
February 4, 2022

A game I played as a break from The Witcher, which I bought at a pawn shop on sale for 5€. This Battlefield was a very enjoyable butA game I played as a break from The Witcher, which I bought at a pawn shop on sale for 5€. This Battlefield was a very enjoyable but unfortunately short experience. I finished the campaign in one afternoon. The graphics look excellent and I didn't notice a single bug during the whole playthrough.I didn't try out the multiplayer unfortunately, as it requires a subscription to the playstation+ service. This was somewhat of a big disappointment.In conclusion though, I rate it 8/10.

Review by Adrien2423 [user]
March 14, 2021

It is fun game and all, but completely ruined by open maps and no sniper limit... It is only sniper/dmr/mg camp... Also infested by cheaters,It is fun game and all, but completely ruined by open maps and no sniper limit... It is only sniper/dmr/mg camp... Also infested by cheaters, they don't get banned. EA is so **** Meanwhile they are selling copies on NBA each year for 60$, just to get new player names. Oh they forgot to change 2019 to 2020 ops... EA is scumest scum on the planet earth, this company needs to be regulated and **** to the ass hard!!! **** EA!**** EA they will even ban for even writing word cheating. They don't do **** meanwhile collecting money from microtransactions... Yet they have audacity to ban their community, if people are fed up that every BF game is infested with cheaters... **** EA SCUM!!!

Review by Radiationbum [user]
December 7, 2018

Battlefield 1 greatly improves on the mess that was BF4, graphically the game is the best FPS of the year, the story is divided betweenBattlefield 1 greatly improves on the mess that was BF4, graphically the game is the best FPS of the year, the story is divided between multiply character in different places during WW1 each one is rich in both gameplay and story, however bugs, and instability issues are still common place in the online seemingly when Dice roll out an update they end up breaking something make the game less stable than it use to be.Online is for the most part fun however common issues of player rage quitting that ultimately takes a somewhat balanced game into a one sided misery as you team loses to about with almost double the players.

Review by ZboqZboq [user]
December 3, 2018

I like the original idea of making a WW1 game, but the execution is very poor. The game hardly has anything to do with WW1. Its still a funI like the original idea of making a WW1 game, but the execution is very poor. The game hardly has anything to do with WW1. Its still a fun game, but inferior to BF3 and BF4. Go play those games instead if you want to have fun for a longer period, the servers are still full in those games

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Veröffentlichungsdatum 21. Oktober 2016
Herausgeber EA Digital Illusions CE, Electronic Arts
Gesamtwertung 83%
Inhalt bewertet M (Mature)
Spiel-Modi Einzelspieler, Multiplayer
Spieler-Perspektiven Erste Person, Dritte Person
Genres Schütze
Themen Aktion, Historisch, Kriegsführung
Plattformen PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 4, Xbox One