Kennst du jemanden, dem dieses Spiel gefallen könnte?


Testen Sie in fünfundzwanzig Szenarien, in denen Sie die Stärken und Schwächen Ihrer Mannschaft managen müssen, Ihre Fähigkeiten als Pilot und Führungskraft. Es ist Ihr Team, es steht unter Ihrem Kommando, und es ist Ihre Aufgabe als Kapitän, die Mission zu erfüllen und sie heil nach Hause zu bringen.

Erleben Sie, wie es war, Teil einer 10-köpfigen Besatzung bei gefährlichen Bombeneinsätzen über dem besetzten Europa zu sein. Außerdem können Sie die Seite wechseln und in der Rolle eines deutschen Luftwaffenpiloten gegen "The Mighty Eighth" kämpfen und aus erster Hand erfahren, warum der B-17-Bomber den Codenamen "Flying Fortress" trug.

B-17 Flying Fortress: The Mighty 8th Schritte zur Aktivierung

B-17 Flying Fortress: The Mighty 8th Rezensionen und Bewertungen

Review by KenH. [user]
20. Mai 2004

Well, I would rate it that, wouldn't I! :) But seriously, what a great team it was that put it all together. I flew a few multiplayer Well, I would rate it that, wouldn't I! :) But seriously, what a great team it was that put it all together. I flew a few multiplayer missions in the fighters in development and it was the best multiplayer experience ever. If only we'd had time to implement it on the B-17s and test it so it could have been released...

Review by KenH. [user]
20. Mai 2004

Well, I would rate it that, wouldn't I! :) But seriously, what a great team it was that put it all together. I flew a few multiplayer Well, I would rate it that, wouldn't I! :) But seriously, what a great team it was that put it all together. I flew a few multiplayer missions in the fighters in development and it was the best multiplayer experience ever. If only we'd had time to implement it on the B-17s and test it so it could have been released...

Review by GamerWeb PC

Before any other developer even thinks about making another flight simulator, they should play this game and then ask themselves if they feel worthy.

Review by GameSpy

The most stunning combat flight simulator I have ever seen. It's nerve racking, historically educational, deeply immersive, graphically unbelievable, awe-inspiring and a sim that proves once again an old axiom -- it's intense software that drives the development of intense hardware.

Review by Yahoo!

A good-looking B-17 experience with a full range of different tasks to tinker with and some quick blasts of action all wrapped in a lightweight strategy envelope.

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Veröffentlichungsdatum 30. Oktober 2014
Inhalt bewertet T (Teen)
Spiel-Modi Einzelspieler
Genres Simulator
Themen Historisch, Kriegsführung
Plattformen PC (Microsoft Windows)