
Kennst du jemanden, dem dieses Spiel gefallen könnte?


Armello ist ein großartiges Säbelrassler-Abenteuer, das drei Spielstile miteinander verbindet: Die tiefe Taktik von Kartenspielen mit der reichhaltigen Strategie von Brettspielen, kombiniert mit einem Charakter-Rollenspielsystem.

Als Held eines der Clans von Armello machst du Quests, schmiedest Pläne, heuerst Agenten an, erkundest, besiegst Monster, sprichst Zaubersprüche und trittst gegen andere Spieler an, immer mit einem Ziel vor Augen - den Palast zu stürmen und König oder Königin von Armello zu werden. Das Königreich Armello ist so gefährlich wie schön, Gefahren, Banns und Banditen lauern hinter jeder Ecke und eine sich ausbreitende Korruption, bekannt als die Fäulnis, lässt keine Kreatur unberührt.

Armello ist der Versuch von League of Geeks, digitale Brett- und Kartenspiele zu revolutionieren und den Spielern gleichzeitig eine reichhaltige Welt zu bieten, in der sie ihre eigenen epischen Abenteuergeschichten erfinden können. Das Ziel war es, ein reichhaltiges Spiel zu erschaffen, in dem es um Verrat, knappe Rasuren, zerbrochene Allianzen, Intrigen und leere Versprechen geht - ein perfektes Spiel, um es mit Freunden zu spielen.

Armello Schritte zur Aktivierung

Armello Rezensionen und Bewertungen

Review by faefantasia [user]
18. Juni 2021

I really want to love this game. I really do. The gameplay is incredibly solid, the characters are very unique and surprisingly well-balancedI really want to love this game. I really do. The gameplay is incredibly solid, the characters are very unique and surprisingly well-balanced for the most part, the art style is absolutely gorgeous, and every game feels unique and interesting. There's a lot about this game that's genuinely amazing.But it's all dragged down by the game's awful, AWFUL connectivity issues. I can count on one hand the number of times I've played a game online and actually had it finish without the game breaking partway through. And by breaking, I mean that the turn timer just straight-up fails to work, and no one can make any progress whatsoever. I've literally just sat on the same player's turn for a full half hour without anything happening before finally giving up. I'd estimate about 70% of my games ended this way. The idea of seamlessly replacing a disconnected player with an AI seems like a foreign concept to the developers. And unfortunately, it's not just my connection - every single Armello player I've ever encountered on Xbox has encountered the same issue. Even getting a game to start is nightmarish - I've actually had multiple instances of the game just refusing to start despite all 4 players being present and ready. All of this is exacerbated by the total lack of local multiplayer - while this makes some sense due to certain game mechanics (hidden information, players being allowed to act when it's not their turn), it doesn't exactly help when your only other options are playing with predictable AI or attempting to play online only to run into a brick wall.Also there's a ton of DLC to the point where more than half the playable characters (and counting) have to be bought separately from the base game.I genuinely loved the games I was able to play to completion, and I desperately want to recommend this and give it a 9, but I can't in good conscience pretend these issues aren't there and don't drag down the game to the point of being nigh-unplayable.

Review by tobivv [user]
24. April 2020

Decent RPG board-video game, with very nice artstyle. The game is very RNG-heavy, and not only in battles, so you don't really feel the lossesDecent RPG board-video game, with very nice artstyle. The game is very RNG-heavy, and not only in battles, so you don't really feel the losses or wins are deserved.

Review by Dagfinn [user]
22. September 2018

A mediocre board game disguised by pretty videos and art.This game is incredibly random, there is no depth and no story, everything isA mediocre board game disguised by pretty videos and art.This game is incredibly random, there is no depth and no story, everything is determined by random dice rolls, there are no strategic choices to be made.There are supposed to be various ways to win, but unless someone has a lot of blind luck, the game time will run out and whoever happens to have the highest Prestige value wins.You constantly have to wait for all your opponents and NPCs to take their turns and that takes a very long time.The supposed RPG elements are non-existent.The videos and artwork are very pretty but they don't make a good board game alone.

Review by jaluk [user]
19. November 2016


Review by seabeeblue [user]
10. Oktober 2016

This game is to me what the clock is to civilization. Absolutely divine.Suck in your quick opinions. Anyone in the gaming industry shouldThis game is to me what the clock is to civilization. Absolutely divine.Suck in your quick opinions. Anyone in the gaming industry should study this game. Do not approach it to critique, but to learn. The balance is perfect, and anyone who would differ is just wrong.

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Veröffentlichungsdatum 22. Januar 2015
Herausgeber League of Geeks
Inhalt bewertet E10+ (Everyone 10+)
Spiel-Modi Einzelspieler, Multiplayer, Kooperativ
Spieler-Perspektiven Vogelperspektive / Isometrisch, Seitenansicht
Genres Abenteuer, Rollenspiele (RPG), Indie, Simulator, Strategie, Rundenbasierte Strategie (TBS), Karten- und Brettspiel, Quiz/Trivia
Themen Fantasie
Plattformen Linux, PC (Microsoft Windows), Mac, Android, iOS, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch