All Aspect Warfare

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Ein Eliteteam - mit einer thermonuklearen Waffe. Gestrandet. Auf einem feindseligen und fast menschenleeren Planeten. Zum Sterben zurückgelassen. Was könnte da noch schief gehen? Die Terraner befinden sich seit Jahren im Krieg mit der gammulanischen Rasse. Das Terranische Galaktische Kommando (GALCOM), das in einem weit entfernten Gebiet auf der anderen Seite der Galaxis stationiert ist, hat wiederholt Niederlagen und noch nie dagewesene Verluste erlitten. In einem Versuch, das Kriegsgeschehen umzukehren und den Kampf zum Feind zu tragen, hat GALCOM einen Großangriff auf die Heimatwelten der Gammulaner gestartet.

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All Aspect Warfare Rezensionen und Bewertungen

Review by RodA [user]
8. November 2009

Outdated graphics, nearly impossible difficulty, huge number of hotkeys which can't be remapped. You'll need to read a book before Outdated graphics, nearly impossible difficulty, huge number of hotkeys which can't be remapped. You'll need to read a book before you can get in and play, even then good luck!

Review by MatthiasM [user]
5. Oktober 2009

This game obviously issnt for people who can't figure out the easierst commands like j to avoid rockets(while in the aircraft) or go This game obviously issnt for people who can't figure out the easierst commands like j to avoid rockets(while in the aircraft) or go prone in infantry fights or actually use the houses as cover instead running in the middle of the field towards the enemy shooting wildly lol. Or best advice to newbies: Take Lucas since he has a sniper!!!! with that you will own quite a few of them :]

Review by AngryCustomer [user]
3. September 2009

One word sums it all up: Nonintuitive; this is the whole game. Nonintuitive movement, control scheme, game design, customer service. One word sums it all up: Nonintuitive; this is the whole game. Nonintuitive movement, control scheme, game design, customer service. Purported to be a niche game, when it is really just a game for people who like awful & unintuitive games. This game would have been better received 10 years ago. Sorry to say it like that, but it is true.

Veröffentlichungsdatum 10. August 2009
Herausgeber 3000AD
Spiel-Modi Einzelspieler, Multiplayer, Kooperativ
Spieler-Perspektiven Erste Person
Genres Schütze, Indie, Simulator
Themen Aktion, Science-Fiction
Plattformen PC (Microsoft Windows)