Air Guitar Warrior for Kinect


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Steig in das Spiel ein und werde zum legendären Air Guitar Warrior mit der Kraft von Kinect! Spielen Sie Luftgitarre und steuern Sie die Musik in dieser Mischung aus Musikspiel und Arcade-Action. Enthält 19 maßgeschneiderte Tracks von Mr. Fastfinger und Samppa Siurala.

Schieße mit deiner Luftgitarre Kugeln, Laser und Blitze ab! Reite auf Dinosauriern, Haien und Krokodilen mit Düsenantrieb! Zerschlage Wikinger, Aliens, Dämonen und fliegende Schädel!

Air Guitar Warrior for Kinect Schritte zur Aktivierung

Air Guitar Warrior for Kinect Rezensionen und Bewertungen

Review by XboxAddict
24. Juli 2017

Should you plunk down $14.99 plus tax on the 'Gamepad Edition'? In simple terms, I would say no. There is little to no replay value, mediocre music, and if you already own the Kinect version then you already have the best version available. On the plus side though, if you don't have a Kinect, then consider yourself blessed as you won't have to waste money on Air Guitar Warrior: Gamepad Edition.

Review by TrueAchievements
30. April 2017

The music is the star of the show and what's there is decent, but nothing is memorable enough to really get stuck in your head. The complete package is a worthwhile one despite its flaws and should definitely be on the radar of anyone who's got any interest in the game.

Review by Windows Central
11. April 2017

While its 11 years in the making has given the developer, Virtual Air Guitar Company, some strong foundations, its first air guitar game, Air Guitar Warrior isn't King of Kinect Mountain. While it starts off fun, it quickly becomes challenging which may leave people feeling like they've bitten off more than they can chew. I would love for this to be the game that wakes Kinect back up, but there are a few too many bum notes.

Review by TheXboxHub
30. März 2017

It is always an exciting time to see a new release from the guys at the Virtual Air Guitar Company, but Air Guitar Warrior for Kinect isn’t one that I find myself as happy to recommend as I had hoped. With a shocking motion detection system that messes with the controls when aiming directly above or below, and an incredibly tough difficulty curve for the later levels, the early fun never really continues.

Review by Video Chums
29. März 2017

When it comes to having fun with Kinect, you can't do much better than Air Guitar Warrior. The ridiculous premise combines with satisfying gameplay to craft one unique gem of a game so whip out your axe and get ready to rock!

Veröffentlichungsdatum 29. März 2017
Herausgeber Virtual Air Guitar Company
Gesamtwertung 83%
Inhalt bewertet E10+ (Everyone 10+)
Spiel-Modi Einzelspieler
Genres Schütze, Indie, Spielhalle, Musik
Themen Aktion
Plattformen Xbox One